Identity-Driven Success: A Holistic Guide to Growth and Achievement

I’ve worked hard, for my entire career, to keep my life balanced with my job. In my book, I write about my Tuesday date nights with my wife. For over thirty years, I had a hard cut-off on Tuesdays. Rain or shine, I left at exactly 5 pm and spent the evening with my best friend. We would go to a movie, have dinner, or just go window-shopping downtown together.

Nothing got in the way of that. If there was a crisis, we are going to wrap it up by 5:00. Those Tuesday nights kept me sane. And they put the rest of my work in perspective.

I resolved a long time ago to not be one of those entrepreneurs on their 7th startup and their 7th wife. In fact, the thing I’m most proud of in my life is not the companies I started, it’s the fact that I was able to start them while staying married to the same woman; having my kids grow up knowing me and (best as I can tell) liking me, and being able to spend time pursuing the other passions in my life.

That’s my definition of success.
— Marc Randolph, Netflix Co-Founder

Many of us aspire to achieve a sense of peace and contentment in our lives, a state often equated with true success. This state of flourishing encompasses not just external achievements but also inner fulfilment and balance. Success, however, is a deeply personal concept that varies significantly from one individual to another. For some, it might mean financial stability or career advancement, while for others, it could be about personal fulfilment, maintaining a harmonious balance between work and life, or contributing positively to their community. Despite these varied definitions, one universal truth remains: achieving success requires self-awareness, goal setting, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Understanding what success means to you is the first step towards attaining it. Without a clear, personalised definition, you may find yourself pursuing goals that align more with societal expectations than with your true desires. This misalignment can lead to frustration and a sense of unfulfillment, even if outwardly you appear successful. Therefore, it's crucial to take the time to reflect on your values, aspirations, and what genuinely makes you feel accomplished and happy.

Once you have a clear definition of success, the next step is to identify the differences between your current self and the successful person you aspire to be. This process involves an honest assessment of where you are now, including your strengths, weaknesses, habits, and mindset. It's about understanding the specific areas where growth and change are needed and setting actionable goals to bridge this gap.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of this self-reflective process and provide a structured approach to measure and bridge the gap between your current state and your envisioned success. Key to this approach are the concepts of identity-based habits, Human Design, and nervous system regulation. These tools not only support personal growth but also ensure that the changes you make are sustainable and aligned with your true self.

Identity-based habits focus on the core of who you want to be rather than what you want to achieve. By shifting your identity, your habits and actions naturally align with your goals. For example, if you want to become a successful writer, instead of setting a goal to write a book, you adopt the identity of a writer. This shift makes the act of writing a natural part of who you are, leading to consistent and sustainable progress.

Human Design offers a personalised blueprint of your unique traits and potential, combining elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakras. By understanding your Human Design, you can gain deeper insights into your natural strengths, decision-making processes, and life purpose. This understanding helps you align your actions with your true self, making the journey towards success more authentic and fulfilling.

Nervous system regulation is crucial for maintaining balance, resilience, and well-being. Techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and physical activity help regulate your nervous system, supporting emotional stability and focus. A well-regulated nervous system makes implementing and maintaining new habits and behaviours easier, which is essential for long-term success.

By integrating these concepts into your personal development plan, you create a holistic and effective approach to achieving success. This article will guide you through this transformative journey, offering practical steps and insights to help you become the successful person you aspire to be.

Defining Success

Personal Definition of Success

Success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It is highly individualised and deeply personal, influenced by our unique experiences, values, and aspirations. For some, success might be achieving a prestigious position in their career, symbolising professional recognition and financial reward. For others, it could mean having a fulfilling family life and fostering loving and supportive relationships with their spouse, children, and extended family. Some find success in contributing to their community, engaging in volunteer work, or advocating for social causes that they are passionate about.

Defining what success means to you is the first crucial step towards achieving it. This involves introspection and honest reflection on what truly matters in your life. Ask yourself questions such as: What brings me joy and fulfilment? What are my core values and how do they shape my aspirations? What do I want my legacy to be? By answering these questions, you can start to form a clear and personalised definition of success that aligns with your innermost desires and goals.

It's important to recognise that this definition may evolve. As you grow and experience new phases of life, your priorities and values may shift, leading to a redefinition of what success means to you. Regularly revisiting and reassessing your definition of success ensures that it remains relevant and motivating.


Importance of a Personal Definition

Having a personal definition of success provides a clear direction and helps prioritise efforts towards meaningful goals. It acts as a compass, guiding your decisions and actions. Without a clear definition, you might find yourself chasing societal standards of success that don't resonate with your true desires, leading to dissatisfaction and burnout.

A personal definition of success helps to filter out external noise and expectations. In a world where social media and societal norms often dictate what success should look like, having your definition serves as a protective barrier against these pressures. It empowers you to make choices that are true to yourself rather than conforming to external standards.

Furthermore, a personal definition of success enhances motivation and perseverance. When your goals are deeply connected to your values and desires, you are more likely to stay committed and resilient in the face of challenges. This intrinsic motivation is crucial for long-term success, as it fuels sustained effort and dedication.

Having a clear definition of success also facilitates better decision-making. It provides a framework for evaluating opportunities and making choices that align with your long-term vision. For example, if your definition of success includes maintaining a work-life balance, you might prioritise job offers that allow for flexible working hours or remote work options. If community contribution is a part of your success, you may seek out roles that offer opportunities for volunteerism or social impact.

In essence, a personal definition of success acts as a guiding star, helping you navigate your journey with purpose and clarity. It ensures that your efforts are directed towards goals that are truly meaningful to you, fostering a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction as you progress towards your vision of success.


Self-Assessment and Self-Awareness

Current Self-Assessment

Assessing your current situation involves a thorough and honest evaluation of various aspects of your life. This process is crucial for understanding where you currently stand concerning your goals and identifying the specific areas that need improvement. Here are some effective tools and methods for conducting a self-assessment:

  • Journaling: Keeping a journal is an excellent way to reflect on your daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings. It can help you identify patterns in your behaviour, recognise your strengths and weaknesses, and track your progress over time. Regular journaling provides a detailed record of your journey, offering insights that might not be immediately apparent.

  • SWOT Analysis: This structured planning method can help you identify your internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. By creating a SWOT matrix, you can systematically evaluate various aspects of your life and career, providing a clear picture of where you stand and what needs to be addressed.

  • Feedback from Peers and Mentors: Seeking feedback from trusted colleagues, friends, and mentors can provide valuable perspectives on your performance and potential areas for growth. Constructive feedback helps you see yourself from different angles, uncovering blind spots that you might not notice on your own.

  • Self-Reflection: Set aside time for deep self-reflection. Ask yourself questions like: What have I achieved so far? What are my biggest strengths? Where do I struggle the most? What habits or behaviours are holding me back? Honest answers to these questions will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of your current situation.

This self-assessment forms the baseline from which you will measure your progress. It provides a starting point for your journey toward your envisioned success, allowing you to set realistic and achievable goals.

 Identifying Your Ideal Self

Visualising the successful person you want to be is a powerful exercise that can significantly impact your motivation and direction. Here’s how to effectively identify and visualise your ideal self:

  • Create a Detailed Image: Imagine yourself in the future as the person you aspire to be. Consider specific traits, skills, habits, and achievements that define this ideal self. What are you doing? How do you feel? What are your daily routines and behaviours? The more detailed and vivid your visualisation, the more real and attainable your goals will seem.

  • Set Clear, Specific Goals: Break down your vision into clear, specific, and realistic goals. These goals should be aligned with the traits and achievements you have visualised. For example, if your ideal self is a successful entrepreneur, set goals related to business development, networking, and personal growth.

  • Use Visualisation Techniques: Regularly practice visualisation techniques to keep your ideal self in focus. This can include mental imagery exercises, vision boards, and guided meditations. Visualisation helps bridge the gap between your current state and your aspirations by reinforcing your commitment to your goals.

By visualising your ideal self and setting aligned goals, you create a roadmap for your personal development journey. This exercise enhances your self-awareness and provides a clear direction for your efforts.

Integrating Human Design

Human Design is a system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakras to create a blueprint of an individual's unique traits and potential. Integrating Human Design into your self-assessment and personal development plan can provide profound insights and guidance. Here’s how to leverage Human Design for your growth:

  • Understand Your Human Design: Begin by obtaining your Human Design chart, which is based on your birth date, time, and place. This chart reveals your unique energy type, strategy, authority, and other key aspects of your design. Understanding these elements can provide deep insights into your natural strengths, decision-making processes, and life purpose.

  • Align Goals with Your Design: Use the insights from your Human Design chart to align your goals and actions with your true nature. For example, if your design indicates that you thrive in collaborative environments, seek opportunities that involve teamwork and cooperation. Aligning your goals with your design ensures that your efforts are authentic and sustainable.

  • Enhance Self-Awareness: Human Design helps you understand why you operate the way you do. It sheds light on your innate tendencies, preferences, and potential challenges. This enhanced self-awareness allows you to navigate your personal development journey with greater clarity and confidence.

  • Optimise Decision-Making: Each Human Design type has a specific strategy and authority for making decisions. By following these guidelines, you can make choices that are more aligned with your true self, leading to better outcomes and greater satisfaction.

By integrating Human Design into your self-assessment and goal-setting process, you create a more personalised and effective approach to achieving success. This holistic understanding of yourself supports authentic growth and fulfilment, ensuring that the changes you make are deeply aligned with who you are.


Measuring the Gap

Identifying the Differences

To effectively bridge the gap between your current self and your ideal self, it's essential to first identify the specific differences between the two. This involves a comprehensive comparison across various dimensions such as skills, habits, mindset, and resources. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you in this process:

  • Skills Assessment: Start by listing the skills that your ideal self possesses. Compare this with your current skill set. Identify areas where you need improvement or new skills that you need to acquire. For example, if your ideal self is a successful public speaker, assess your current public speaking abilities and identify any gaps in confidence, articulation, or presentation skills.

  • Habit Analysis: Examine the daily habits and routines of your ideal self. Compare these with your current habits. Identify positive habits that you need to develop and negative habits that you need to eliminate. For instance, if your ideal self exercises regularly, but you currently do not, this is a gap that needs addressing.

  • Mindset Evaluation: Reflect on the mindset and attitudes of your ideal self. Compare these with your current mindset. Identify limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that are holding you back. For example, if your ideal self is resilient and optimistic, but you tend to dwell on setbacks, you need to work on developing a more positive and resilient mindset.

  • Resource Assessment: Consider the resources (time, money, tools, networks) that your ideal self utilises. Compare these with your current resources. Identify any gaps and plan how to acquire the necessary resources. For example, if your ideal self networks regularly to advance their career, but you lack the connections or time to do so, you need to address these gaps.

Understanding these differences provides a clear picture of what you need to change and develop. This awareness is crucial for creating a targeted and effective development plan.


Quantifying the Gap

Quantifying the gap between your current self and your ideal self involves setting measurable benchmarks and milestones. This process makes the abstract concept of personal growth more tangible and manageable. Here’s how to approach quantification:

  • Set Specific Benchmarks: Define specific, measurable benchmarks that align with the differences you have identified. For example, if you need to improve your public speaking skills, set a benchmark such as "Deliver a presentation to a small group within three months."

  • Create Milestones: Break down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable milestones. These milestones act as stepping stones towards your ultimate goal. For instance, if your goal is to become a confident public speaker, your milestones might include attending a public speaking workshop, practising with a mentor, and speaking at a community event.

  • Use Metrics to Track Progress: Develop metrics to track your progress towards each benchmark and milestone. These metrics should be specific and quantifiable. For example, you could measure the number of presentations delivered, the amount of time spent practising, or the feedback received from audiences.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your progress against your benchmarks and milestones. Celebrate incremental achievements to stay motivated. If you find that you are not making the desired progress, reassess your plan and make necessary adjustments. This might involve setting more realistic goals, seeking additional resources, or changing your approach.

  • Utilise Tools and Techniques: Leverage various tools and techniques to aid in quantifying and tracking your progress. This can include productivity apps, journals, spreadsheets, and feedback forms. Tools like habit trackers can help you monitor your daily habits, while goal-setting apps can help you keep track of your milestones and progress.

Quantifying the gap ensures that your personal development journey is structured and goal-oriented. It provides a clear roadmap for achieving your ideal self and makes it easier to measure and celebrate your growth along the way. By setting specific benchmarks, creating milestones, using metrics to track progress, and regularly monitoring and adjusting your plan, you can make tangible and significant strides towards becoming the successful person you aspire to be.


Bridging the Gap

  • Setting Actionable Goals: Achieving your vision of success requires breaking down your long-term goals into manageable short-term tasks. Setting SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—ensures that your efforts are focused and effective. Here’s how to set actionable goals:

    • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve. For instance, rather than setting a vague goal like "improve my public speaking," specify "complete a public speaking course within three months."

    • Measurable: Establish criteria for measuring progress. This might involve metrics such as the number of speeches given or feedback scores from audience members.

    • Achievable: Ensure your goals are realistic and attainable. While ambitious goals are motivating, they should still be within reach based on your current skills and resources.

    • Relevant: Align your goals with your overall vision of success. Each goal should directly contribute to becoming your ideal self.

    • Time-bound: Set deadlines to create a sense of urgency and maintain momentum. For example, "finish reading three books on leadership by the end of the quarter."

By setting SMART goals, you create a clear and actionable roadmap that guides your daily actions and keeps you on track towards your larger aspirations.

Developing a Plan - Design Thinking Principles

Creating a roadmap to bridge the gap between your current self and your ideal self involves detailed planning and design thinking. Here’s how to develop an effective plan:

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Recognise that your plan should be dynamic, allowing for adjustments as you gain new insights and encounter unforeseen challenges. Periodically review and revise your plan to stay aligned with your evolving goals.

  • Milestones and Checkpoints: Break down your long-term goals into smaller milestones and set regular checkpoints to assess progress. This helps maintain motivation and provides opportunities to celebrate small wins.

  • Resource Allocation: Identify the resources (time, money, tools, support) needed to achieve your goals and allocate them accordingly. Prioritise tasks that have the highest impact on your progress.

A well-structured and flexible plan provides a clear path forward and helps manage the complexities of personal growth.

Building Identity-Based Habits

Identity-based habits focus on who you want to become rather than merely what you want to achieve. Here’s how to develop these habits:

  • Adopt the Desired Identity: Instead of setting a goal to write a book, adopt the identity of a writer. This mindset shift encourages behaviours that align with your desired identity.

  • Start Small: Begin with small, manageable changes that reinforce your new identity. For instance, start by writing for 10 minutes each day.

  • Incremental Changes: Gradually increase the complexity and duration of the new habits to build them into your routine.

  • Positive Affirmations and Actions: Reinforce your new identity through positive self-talk and actions that affirm your commitment. Celebrate small successes to strengthen your belief in your new identity.

By focusing on your identity, you ensure that your habits are sustainable and aligned with your long-term vision.


Cultivating Skills and Habits

Identify and develop the necessary skills and habits that will help you become your ideal self. Here’s how to approach this:

  • Continuous Learning: Invest time in learning and self-improvement. This can include taking courses, reading books, attending workshops, or seeking mentorship.

  • Regular Practice: Consistent practice is key to mastering new skills and integrating positive habits. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for skill development.

  • Persistence and Patience: Understand that building new skills and habits takes time. Stay persistent and patient, celebrating incremental progress along the way.

By committing to continuous learning and regular practice, you can cultivate the skills and habits necessary for personal growth.


Integrating Nervous System Regulation

Maintaining a regulated nervous system is crucial for resilience and effective habit formation. Here’s how to integrate nervous system regulation into your routine:

  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Practice deep breathing techniques to calm your nervous system and reduce stress. Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing or box breathing can be effective.

  • Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness practices such as meditation or mindful walking to enhance focus and emotional stability.

  • Physical Activity: Engage in regular physical activity, such as yoga, jogging, or strength training, to support nervous system regulation and overall well-being.

A balanced nervous system supports emotional stability, focus, and the ability to cope with stress, making it easier to implement and maintain new habits and behaviours.


Seeking Support and Resources

Mentorship, networking, and seeking support from others are vital components of personal growth. Here’s how to effectively seek support and utilise resources:

  • Mentorship: Find mentors who can provide guidance, feedback, and inspiration. Mentors can offer valuable insights based on their experiences and help you navigate challenges.

  • Networking: Build a supportive network of like-minded individuals who share similar goals and values. Networking can provide opportunities for collaboration, learning, and mutual support.

  • Resources: Utilise available resources such as books, online courses, workshops, and professional development programs to gain knowledge and skills.

Surrounding yourself with positive influences and utilising available resources enhances your personal growth journey and helps you stay motivated and inspired.


Monitoring Progress and Adjusting

  • Regular Self-Review: Regular self-assessment and reflection are crucial for tracking progress and making necessary adjustments in your journey towards success. Here’s how to effectively conduct regular self-reviews:

  • Journaling: Keep a detailed journal of your daily activities, thoughts, and feelings. This practice allows you to reflect on your experiences, recognise patterns, and identify areas for improvement. Journaling can also help you track your progress over time and celebrate small victories.

  • Feedback Sessions: Schedule regular feedback sessions with trusted mentors, peers, or coaches. These sessions provide an external perspective on your progress and can highlight blind spots that you might not notice on your own. Constructive feedback is invaluable for continuous improvement.

  • Progress Reports: Create periodic progress reports to evaluate your achievements against your set goals. These reports can include quantitative metrics, such as the number of new habits formed or skills acquired, as well as qualitative assessments of your overall growth and development.

By regularly reviewing your progress, you can stay on track and make informed decisions about any adjustments needed in your plan.


Adjusting the Plan

Being open to change and willing to adjust your plan as needed is essential for navigating the dynamic nature of life. Here’s how to effectively adjust your plan:

  • Flexibility: Understand that your original plan is not set in stone. Be willing to modify your goals, timelines, and strategies based on new insights, changing circumstances, and unexpected challenges. Flexibility allows you to adapt and stay aligned with your evolving vision of success.

  • Resilience and Perseverance: Cultivate resilience to bounce back from setbacks and perseverance to keep moving forward despite obstacles. These traits are essential for maintaining momentum and achieving long-term success. Remember that progress is not always linear and setbacks are a natural part of the journey.

  • Seizing Opportunities: Be open to new opportunities that align with your goals, even if they require altering your original plan. Sometimes, unexpected opportunities can lead to significant breakthroughs and accelerated growth.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan ensures that it remains relevant and effective, allowing you to make steady progress towards your ideal self.

Ongoing Identity Work and Nervous System Regulation

Continuing to refine your identity-based habits and practice nervous system regulation techniques is crucial for sustained growth and well-being. Here’s how to integrate these practices into your routine:

  • Refining Identity-Based Habits: As you grow and evolve, continually reassess and refine your identity-based habits to ensure they align with your current goals and aspirations. For example, if your identity as a writer has led to the completion of a book, your next step might be to adopt the identity of a published author, with habits focused on marketing and networking.

  • Adapting Practices: Adapt your habits and routines to reflect your ongoing growth. This might involve increasing the complexity of tasks, setting new challenges, or incorporating more advanced techniques into your practice. For instance, if you’ve mastered basic public speaking, you might start focusing on advanced presentation skills or engaging larger audiences.

  • Nervous System Regulation Techniques: Continue practising nervous system regulation techniques to maintain balance and resilience. Regularly incorporate deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and physical activities into your routine. These techniques help manage stress, enhance focus, and support emotional stability, making it easier to maintain new habits and behaviours.

By continuously working on your identity and maintaining nervous system regulation, you ensure that your growth is sustainable and aligned with your evolving self. These practices help you stay grounded, focused, and resilient, supporting long-term success and personal fulfilment.


Journal Prompts

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth requires introspection, reflection, and deliberate action, below you will find journal prompts designed to guide you through a process of deepening your understanding of yourself, clarifying your goals, and taking concrete steps towards realising your vision of success.

Each prompt offers an opportunity to explore different aspects of your journey, from defining your vision of success to identifying actionable steps and nurturing supportive environments. Whether you're just starting on your path or seeking to deepen your existing practices, these prompts serve as valuable tools for self-reflection and empowerment.

As you engage with these prompts, approach them with curiosity, openness, and honesty. Allow yourself the time and space to delve into your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, knowing that every insight gained brings you closer to living a life of purpose, fulfilment, and abundance.

  • Define Your Vision: Reflect on your personal concept of success. What does success mean to you? How do you envision your ideal life or future self?

  • Assess Your Current Situation: Take stock of where you are currently in relation to your vision of success. What aspects of your life align with your goals, and what areas require improvement?

  • Set Actionable Goals: Identify specific, actionable steps you can take to bridge the gap between your current self and your vision of success. What short-term and long-term goals can you set to move closer to your aspirations?

  • Reflect on Identity-Based Habits: Consider your habits and behaviours in light of your core values and beliefs. Which habits support your journey towards success, and which ones may be holding you back? How can you align your actions more closely with your identity and values?

  • Explore Insights from Human Design: If you're familiar with Human Design or similar personality frameworks, reflect on how your unique design influences your approach to success. What insights can you glean from your Human Design chart, and how can you leverage this knowledge to optimise your journey?

  • Practice Nervous System Regulation: Explore techniques for managing stress, enhancing resilience, and maintaining emotional balance. What strategies resonate with you for regulating your nervous system, and how can you incorporate them into your daily routine?

  • Celebrate Progress: Take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. What milestones have you reached on your journey towards success, and how have they impacted your growth and development?

  • Embrace Resilience: Reflect on past challenges or setbacks you've encountered on your path to success. How have these experiences shaped you, and what lessons have you learned from them? How can you cultivate resilience and adaptability to overcome future obstacles?

  • Cultivate Supportive Environments: Consider the importance of surrounding yourself with people who uplift and support your journey. Who are the individuals or communities that contribute positively to your growth and well-being? How can you nurture these relationships and create a supportive environment for your continued success?

  • Visualise Your Future: Close your journaling session by visualising yourself living your vision of success. What does it look and feel like to embody your ideal self? What steps can you take today to bring this vision closer to reality?

These prompts can help deepen your self-awareness, clarify your goals, and inspire actionable steps towards achieving the success you envision. Feel free to adapt them to your personal preferences and explore additional questions that resonate with you.



The process of identifying the gap between your current self and your vision of success is not merely a task; it's a transformative journey with multifaceted benefits. By delineating your definition of success, conducting a thorough assessment of your present situation, and setting actionable goals, you lay down a clear roadmap towards the realisation of your aspirations. This roadmap becomes even more robust and holistic when integrated with practices such as identity-based habits, insights from Human Design, and techniques for nervous system regulation.

The integration of identity-based habits emphasises the importance of aligning your actions with your core values and beliefs, fostering authenticity and consistency in your pursuit of success. Insights from Human Design provide valuable self-awareness and guidance, helping you understand your unique strengths, weaknesses, and optimal ways of functioning in the world. Additionally, techniques for nervous system regulation equip you with tools to manage stress, enhance resilience, and maintain a state of balance and well-being amidst challenges.

Embarking on this journey requires confidence and a steadfast commitment to personal growth. It's about embracing the process of continuous self-improvement, learning from setbacks, and staying resilient in the face of obstacles. With each step forward, you inch closer to the realisation of your goals, empowered by the knowledge that success is not just a destination but a culmination of consistent effort, self-discovery, and unwavering determination.

As you navigate this journey, remember to celebrate your progress, stay adaptable to change, and cultivate a supportive environment that nurtures your growth. Embrace the journey with an open heart and mind, knowing that every challenge you overcome and every lesson you learn brings you closer to the success you envision. With dedication, perseverance, and a clear sense of purpose, you have the power to transform your dreams into reality and create a life filled with fulfilment, purpose, and abundance.


Recommended reading:

These books offer valuable insights, practical strategies, and inspiration to support you on your journey towards achieving the success you envision. Dive into them with an open mind and a willingness to learn, and allow their wisdom to guide you as you pursue your goals and aspirations.

"Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones" by James Clear - This book offers practical strategies for building identity-based habits and creating lasting behaviour change.

"Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be" by Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood - Dive deeper into the principles of Human Design and gain insights into how your unique design influences your approach to life and success.

"The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma" by Bessel van der Kolk - Explore the connection between the nervous system and overall well-being, and learn techniques for regulating your nervous system to manage stress and enhance resilience.

"Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth - Discover the importance of grit and resilience in achieving long-term goals, and learn how to cultivate these qualities in yourself.

"Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck - Explore the concept of mindset and how it impacts your ability to achieve success, with insights on fostering a growth mindset for personal and professional development.

"The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be" by Jack Canfield - Gain practical strategies and principles for achieving success in various areas of life, from goal setting to overcoming obstacles.

"The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" by Eckhart Tolle - Delve into the importance of living in the present moment and cultivating mindfulness as a foundation for personal growth and success.

"Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" by Brené Brown - Explore the transformative power of vulnerability and authenticity in achieving success and fostering meaningful connections with others.

"Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action" by Simon Sinek - Reflect on the importance of defining your why and aligning your actions with your core values and beliefs as you strive for success.

Ann Smyth

Ann Smyth, a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, specialises in guiding individuals through transformative journeys. Using a unique blend of Human Design, brain and nervous system retraining, she approaches her coaching practice with a trauma-informed perspective. Ann's mission is to reignite her clients' passion for life, fostering a deep love for their own existence.

Her expertise is particularly valuable for executives and professionals who have achieved professional success, yet find themselves dealing with significant stress, burnout, or regret about how they are living their lives and spending their most valuable asset—their time. Through her "Design A Life You Love Philosophy," Ann empowers these individuals to reclaim control over their life, work, and leisure, ultimately leading them to a more sustainable and intentional way of living.

Clients who embrace the "Design a Life You Love" philosophy experience a newfound sense of peace in their lives, enjoying contentment and ease across all facets of their lives. Ann Smyth's coaching is the key to unlocking the full potential of your life and leadership journey.


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