What is Human Design?

The spirit is something that can only be fulfilled through the unique differentiated life.
— Ra Uru Hu

Welcome to the world of Human Design! My name is Ann, and I'm a trauma-informed Human Design Certified Life and Leadership Coach. If you're new to Human Design, you're in the right place. Whether you've stumbled upon it through your social network or your therapist has recommended it as a tool for self-understanding, I'm here to guide you through this transformative modality.

The purpose of this blog is to provide you with insights into Human Design and demonstrate how you can leverage its principles to manifest the life you've always dreamed of, both personally and professionally. Human Design offers a unique perspective on self-awareness and personal growth, drawing from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system.

You may be wondering, what exactly is Human Design, and how can it benefit you? Essentially, Human Design provides a blueprint of your unique energetic makeup, highlighting your strengths, challenges, and potential life path. By understanding your Human Design chart, you gain clarity on your innate traits, decision-making strategies, and optimal ways of interacting with the world around you.

As a trauma-informed coach, I recognise the importance of approaching Human Design with sensitivity and compassion. Our past experiences, including trauma, can significantly impact how we perceive ourselves and navigate our lives. Human Design offers a non-judgmental framework for self-exploration, empowering you to embrace your authentic self and release any limiting beliefs or patterns that may be holding you back.

Throughout this blog, I'll share practical insights, tips, and exercises to help you integrate Human Design into your daily life. Whether you're seeking to improve relationships, advance in your career, or simply find greater fulfilment and joy, Human Design can serve as a powerful tool for personal transformation.

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, I invite you to explore the world of Human Design with me. Together, we'll uncover the unique gifts and potentials that reside within you, paving the way for a life filled with ease, flow, and abundance.

Personality Tests

As someone on the journey of self-development, you've likely encountered various personality tests designed to shed light on different aspects of your character and behaviour. Tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 16 Personalities, Enneagram, The Big 5, and Type A, B, C, and D Personalities are all popular tools used to help individuals gain insights into themselves.

These tests serve a valuable purpose, offering momentary relief by providing individuals with useful information to enhance their self-understanding. They categorize individuals into broad personality types and often offer generalized insights into communication styles, management approaches, relational dynamics, and emotional tendencies based on these categories.

However, while these personality tests can be insightful, there's a significant difference between them and Human Design.

About Human Design

Human Design takes a unique approach to understanding individuality. Rather than placing individuals into broad categories, Human Design starts by identifying your specific "type" or category, such as Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, or Reflector. This initial categorization serves as a foundation, but Human Design goes much deeper, revealing layers of individuality that are unique to each person.

Unlike traditional personality tests, Human Design doesn't just provide generic commentary about traits associated with certain categories. Instead, it offers a personalised blueprint of your energetic makeup, highlighting your innate strengths, challenges, and potential life path.

Human Design brings an out-of-the-box thinking approach to self-understanding. It recognizes that each individual is a complex and multifaceted being, shaped by a unique combination of energetic influences. By delving into the intricacies of your Human Design chart, you gain profound insights into your authentic self, allowing you to navigate life with greater clarity, purpose, and fulfilment.

In essence, while traditional personality tests offer valuable insights, Human Design offers a more holistic and individualised approach to self-discovery. It invites you to embrace your uniqueness and harness your full potential, empowering you to live a life aligned with your true nature.

Embracing Individuality

Each of us is born into this world as a unique individual, with our own set of talents, preferences, and ways of being. However, as we journey through life, societal norms and expectations often overshadow our innate uniqueness. From the moment we enter the education system, we're taught to think and behave in certain ways, conforming to a standardized model of success and fulfilment.

This conditioning begins at home, continues through school, and permeates our social circles, universities, and workplaces. We're encouraged to approach life with a logical and linear mindset, prioritizing external validation over our internal knowing and intuition. Over time, this disconnect from our true selves can lead to feelings of burnout, anxiety, and frustration.

Human Design offers a path back to authenticity and self-awareness. By providing a detailed map of our energetic makeup, Human Design helps us rediscover our unique essence and purpose. It invites us to lead and live according to our inner knowing, rather than adhering to societal norms and expectations imposed upon us. Through Human Design, we can consciously choose which conditioning serves us and which restricts us, reclaiming our sovereignty and agency in our own lives.

Content versus Context

Human Design provides a rich tapestry of information about our makeup, offering insights into our type, authority, centres, gates, and channels. Yet, to truly harness the transformative potential of this knowledge, we must appreciate that it exists within the broader context of our lived experiences, beliefs, and behaviours.

Our Human Design chart serves as a blueprint, a roadmap of our energetic configuration. However, like any map, its usefulness is contingent upon understanding the terrain it represents. Our experiences, both joyful and challenging, shape the landscape of our lives, colouring the way we perceive ourselves and interact with the world.

Trauma, in its various forms, adds complexity to this landscape. Whether it's a singular, profound event or a series of smaller, cumulative experiences, trauma leaves an indelible imprint on our psyche. It alters the trajectory of our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in profound ways.

When we approach Human Design through the lens of trauma, we recognize that our chart is not static; it is dynamic and evolving, much like our journey through healing and self-discovery. Trauma can obscure our true essence, distorting our perception of ourselves and others. It may manifest as patterns of avoidance, self-sabotage, or disconnection from our intuition and inner wisdom.

To fully integrate Human Design into our lives, we must engage in a process of excavation, peeling back the layers of conditioning and trauma that obscure our authentic selves. This requires a compassionate and nuanced approach—one that honours the complexity of our experiences and acknowledges the resilience that lies within us.

By exploring our Human Design within the context of our lived experiences, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. We reclaim agency over our lives, embracing our inherent worth and potential. As we navigate this journey, we unlock deeper layers of understanding and compassion, fostering a profound sense of empowerment and wholeness.

In essence, Human Design serves as a tool for liberation—a pathway to reclaiming our true essence and embodying our fullest potential. By honouring the content of our lives within the context of our Human Design, we illuminate the path toward healing, growth, and self-realisation.

Integrating brain and nervous system retraining

As we delve into the context of our lives, we unearth a tapestry woven with beliefs, conversations, and experiences that have shaped our present selves. These experiences span the full spectrum of emotions, leaving an indelible mark on how we navigate the world today.

Central to our ability to embody the insights of Human Design and live authentically is the role of our brain and nervous system. These vital components of our being govern how we perceive and respond to the world around us. Yet, for many, they also serve as the battleground where past traumas and conditioning manifest.

Harnessing the wisdom of Human Design requires more than intellectual understanding; it necessitates a deep integration with our physiological selves. It's about rewiring our neural pathways, soothing our nervous system, and cultivating a state of safety and regulation from which to embody our true essence.

When we align the insights of Human Design with brain and nervous system retraining, we unlock a potent catalyst for personal transformation. This integrated approach enables us to step into our roles as leaders of our own lives with clarity, authenticity, and resilience.

Through brain and nervous system retraining, we learn to move from dysregulation to regulation with ease and presence, regardless of the challenges we face. We rewire our brains for success, pleasure, and abundance, cultivating a mindset of abundance and possibility.

By developing our unique habits and routines, informed by the wisdom of Human Design, we create a solid foundation for growth and fulfilment. We gain clarity on our priorities and the actions that propel us toward our desired outcomes, allowing us to navigate life with purpose and intention.

Moreover, this integrated approach empowers us to connect deeply with our essence and genius, unleashing our creative potential and critical thinking abilities. We learn to communicate our needs effectively, both personally and professionally, cultivating high levels of emotional intelligence and cognitive flexibility.

Ultimately, this journey invites us to transcend the confines of the ego and embrace our interconnectedness with humanity. We shift from a mindset of self-centeredness to one of empathy and collaboration, recognizing that our experiences exist within a broader ecosystem of human existence.

In essence, the integration of Human Design with brain and nervous system retraining offers a pathway to reclaiming our agency, creativity, and vitality. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment—one that enables us to step into our fullest potential and lead lives of purpose, authenticity, and joy.

What you can achieve

It is possible for you to be a better leader for your team, family, parent, partner, friend, colleague, business owner etc showing up as your best self, living authentically and fully attuned to your own sense of self, happiness and wellbeing.
When you combine Human Design, brain and nervous system retraining you will be taking back creative control over your life. The sense of sameness, mundaneness and lack of creativity in your life will disappear.

Examples of what is possible for you:

  • Move from dysregulation to regulation in your nervous system with ease and presence in all situations

  • Retrain and rewire your brain for success, ease and pleasure

  • Develop your unique way of habit stacking and building

  • Gain clarity on the essentials and non-essentials that move you towards your desired outcome

  • Connect with your essence and genius

  • Become good at creative and critical thinking

  • Know how to communicate your needs more effectively with others both personally and professionally

  • Develop a high level of emotional intelligence

  • Understand your own judgement and decision-making patterns

  • Have cognitive flexibility to adapt and change in all situations

  • Think about how your experience of life exists in an eco-system of humanity rather than an ego-system of self

The who, the how and the why are all inside of you

When we embark on the journey of exploring Human Design, we often experience a profound sense of resonance with our designated type—be it Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, or another. This initial recognition of our inherent traits and tendencies serves as a gateway to deeper self-discovery.

As we delve further into the intricate layers of Human Design, we uncover a treasure trove of insights that illuminate not only who we are but also how we are uniquely designed to navigate the world. We gain clarity on our inherent strengths, our preferred modes of operation, and the optimal paths for self-expression and fulfilment.

However, Human Design offers more than just a roadmap of our characteristics; it also provides a profound understanding of why we should embrace and embody our authentic selves. It invites us to step into our power, honour our innate wisdom, and trust in the validity of our unique path.

Yet, the true magic of Human Design unfolds when we integrate this knowledge into our lived experience, anchoring it within the depths of our being. It's not enough to simply intellectualise our Human Design; we must embody it, embodying it in every aspect of our lives, from our relationships and careers to our personal growth and self-care practices.

This embodiment requires a state of regulation—a harmonious balance within our brain, body, and nervous system. It's about learning to navigate the highs and lows of life with equanimity and grace, cultivating resilience and presence in the face of adversity.

When we operate from this place of regulation, we unlock our full potential, tapping into the limitless wellspring of creativity, intuition, and vitality that resides within us. We become adept at moving fluidly between states of dysregulation and regulation, navigating life's challenges with ease and confidence.

In essence, Human Design empowers us to recognise that the answers we seek—the who, the how, and the why—are all within us. It's a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment, one that invites us to reclaim our sovereignty and authenticity in every aspect of our lives. And when we learn to harness the wisdom of Human Design from a place of regulation, we unlock the key to creating profound and lasting transformation in all areas of our lives.

Conclusion: The Philosophy of Designing A Life You Love

The Philosophy of Designing A Life You Love is deeply intertwined with the principles of Human Design and trauma-informed approaches, offering a holistic pathway to reconnecting with your authentic self and retraining your brain and nervous system for a more fulfilling existence.

At its core, designing a life you love is about reclaiming agency and authorship over your narrative. It acknowledges that each individual is uniquely designed, with innate talents, preferences, and desires. However, external influences, including trauma and societal conditioning, can obscure this inherent wisdom, leading us to live lives that may not align with our true essence.

By integrating the principles of Human Design, which illuminate our design and purpose, with trauma-informed approaches, which recognise the impact of past experiences on our present selves, we create a powerful framework for transformation. This approach acknowledges that trauma, whether big "T" or little "t," can disrupt our brain and nervous system functioning, leading to dysregulation and disconnection from our authentic selves.

Through trauma-informed practices, such as somatic experiencing, mindfulness, and cognitive restructuring, we can begin to retrain our brain and nervous system, fostering a sense of safety and regulation from which healing and growth can occur. This process allows us to release the grip of past traumas, rewire maladaptive neural pathways, and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity.

Simultaneously, by embracing the insights of Human Design, we gain clarity on our unique design and purpose, allowing us to make choices and create environments that honour our authentic selves. We learn to listen to our inner guidance, trust our intuition, and align our actions with our true desires, rather than societal expectations or past conditioning.

In essence, the philosophy of designing a life you love, informed by Human Design and trauma-informed approaches, offers a pathway to liberation and empowerment. It invites us to reclaim our sovereignty and agency, rewrite our stories, and step boldly into the lives we were meant to live. Through this integrated approach, we not only reconnect with who we were designed to be but also retrain our brain and nervous system for a life of joy, purpose, and fulfilment.

Resource Recommendation:

1. "Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are" by Karen Curry: This book provides a comprehensive overview of Human Design, explaining its principles, components, and how to interpret your own chart. It's a great starting point for beginners.

2. "The Book of Destinies: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live" by Chetan Parkyn: In this book, Parkyn explores the concept of Human Design and how it can be used to uncover your true purpose and destiny. He offers insights into each of the Human Design types and how they can navigate their lives more authentically.

3. "Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be" by Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood: Another excellent book by Chetan Parkyn, this one co-authored with Carola Eastwood, delves deeper into the different aspects of Human Design, including profiles, centres, gates, and channels. It provides practical guidance on how to apply Human Design principles to everyday life.

4. "The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation" by Lynda Bunnell, Ra Uru Hu, and others: Written by experts in the field, this book offers a thorough exploration of Human Design, including its history, mechanics, and applications. It provides valuable insights for both beginners and advanced practitioners.

5. "The Book of Lines: A 21st Century View of the IChing, the Chinese Book of Changes" by Chetan Parkyn and Alex Roberts: This book focuses specifically on the Line System within Human Design, which provides additional insights into the nuances of each type and profile. It offers a deeper understanding of how the different lines influence personality traits and life experiences.

6. "The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA" by Richard Rudd: While not specifically focused on Human Design, "The Gene Keys" offers a complementary perspective on self-discovery and personal transformation. Richard Rudd combines elements of genetics, astrology, and I Ching to explore the potential encoded within our DNA. This book provides profound insights into how we can unlock our higher purpose and tap into our innate gifts and talents. It offers practical tools for integrating these insights into our lives, aligning with our true path and embodying our fullest potential.

7."Human Design: The Revolutionary System That Shows You Who You Came Here to Be" by Jenna Zoe. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Human Design, offering insights into how this system can reveal your true nature and life purpose. Through practical guidance and personal anecdotes, Zoe helps readers understand their Human Design type and how to apply its principles to live more authentically and aligned with their unique design.

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Ann Smyth

Ann Smyth, a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, specialises in guiding individuals through transformative journeys. Using a unique blend of Human Design, brain and nervous system retraining, she approaches her coaching practice with a trauma-informed perspective. Ann's mission is to reignite her clients' passion for life, fostering a deep love for their own existence.

Her expertise is particularly valuable for executives and professionals who have achieved professional success, yet find themselves dealing with significant stress, burnout, or regret about how they are living their lives and spending their most valuable asset—their time. Through her "Design A Life You Love Philosophy," Ann empowers these individuals to reclaim control over their life, work, and leisure, ultimately leading them to a more sustainable and intentional way of living.

Clients who embrace the "Design a Life You Love" philosophy experience a newfound sense of peace in their lives, enjoying contentment and ease across all facets of their lives. Ann Smyth's coaching is the key to unlocking the full potential of your life and leadership journey.


How do I find my Human Design