Using your Human Design authority to change the trajectory of your life
How to use your human design authority to change the trajectory of your life
We are now officially into the final quarter of 2021.
I personally don’t believe in setting annual goals. My approach is to set them quarterly and by set them I mean decide every 90 days if my true north is still in fact my true north.
All that matters when you desire something in your life is whether or not you are moving in the direction of that desire and continuously checking in with yourself to see if your dreams are still what you want truly want.
This requires you to schedule in periods of reflection to decide if the direction you are moving in is indeed still the direction you want to move in.
So much time, our most precious resource, is wasted by continuing to pursue a goal or vision which are no longer compelled by or beating yourself up for no longer wanting it.
And wasting time, just like wasting energy is not something I am available for.
The subject of this email was inspired by a recent conversation with a former client who I had a check in with as she found herself stuck in a magic dark of nothing happening and everything she was trying to do not working out either.
Now this particular woman is uh-may-zing, she has manifested and created many things in her life since we worked together a little over 10 weeks ago. She has moved away from a city that was sucking the life out of her, created situation after situation of free accommodation over this period of time and created a remote working situation while she works on and grows her own projects.
All pretty inspiring and amazing stuff.
But something wasn’t right. The city she had chosen to move to no longer felt right and this had her thinking had she made the right moves at all?!
I see this happen a lot with clients when they start to expand into who they were designed to be.
Our brains only have capacity to see a certain level of success, or a certain way of living our lives based on our examples up to a certain point in our lives. So we become convinced that the things we currently want will make us happy the moment we get there and we won’t want anything else.
But I am here to tell you that the thing you are currently creating or calling into your life is only a taste of what your heart & soul and the universe are currently conspiring to bring to you.
You are deserving beyond measure of the most magical life possible.
The thing you currently desire or dream of is called your object of desire. The focusing tool you use to see yourself in a different way.
The trajectory of our lives in a culmination of all the decisions we have made in our lives up to a certain point.
Thinking you have to stay on the same path you decided when you were a different person is a limiting thought pattern and in my opinion why annual goals suck just a little.
Allowing a goal sit off in the distance 12 months away for you invites procrastination, anxiety and excuses. It keeps you stuck.
Whereas continuously checking in with your desires and dreams allows you to move the goalpost in a manageable and considered way.
Checking in every 12 weeks (90 days) allows you to avoid getting caught up in nonsense thoughts like –
O Sh*t have I made the right decision here, did I throw caution to the wind too soon, maybe I should go back to my old way of doing things.
Regular revaluation encourages you to really sit with, am I happy the trajectory of my life right now, or do I want to change the direction?
It allows for continuous checking in with your inbuilt intuitive decision making process and really tuning into and listening to what it has to tell you.
Part of this intuitive decision making process is what is called in Human Design - your Authority.
You can find out about the different authorities here and how to identify them.
So, when you are reviewing your true north how do you know you are in fact listening to your authority;
If you have:
1. Emotional Authority (Solar Plexus)
*Personally, this is my authority.
Your emotions are your guiding principle about what you are truly feeling and thinking about something. Having an emotional authority can be a bit of a rollercoaster. You experience highs and lows which can give you a false sense of what you are truly feeling. The key here is to notice when an emotional wave is coming over you and allow time to pass for the energy charge to run through you. I typically allow 24 hours before making any rash decisions. The bigger the decision the longer time I allow. This allows me to really tune into the wisdom of what my heart and soul are telling me rather than jumping to action based on the initial energetic thrill.
2. Pure/Sacral Authority
The sacral is where all desire comes from, and this chakra is very binary in its approach. It does not like lots of choices or open ended questions. When you have a sacral authority (sometimes referred to as a Pure Authority) you simply have to ask yourself a binary question. Do you want this thing or that thing? Do you want to go or not go? The correct intuitive answer is what you first decide.
3. Splenic Authority
This authority is your voice of intuition speaking directly to you. However the voice in our head can often get in the way. So how do you decipher between the two? If your spleen is speaking to you, you won’t be able to logically explain why you should do something a certain way, but if your head is speaking to you, you will be able to logically explain why you are doing what you are doing. We are not meant to logic our way through life when it comes to life decisions, so if this is your authority try to tune into it by asking is there a logical reason behind what I am hearing, if the answer is no, then you have found your splenic authority.
4. Ego/Heart Authority
If you have this authority you heart will feel like it is being pulled towards something like an urge you must follow and if you are not meant to follow it you will feel like you have to pull yourself away from the action or object. Quite an expressive authority so it is best to simply talk out the choices or decisions you are making and see how it feels in your heart centre. You don’t need another involved in your conversation, saying the words out loud will help you determine if something is right for you or not.
This authority only exists for Projectors. As Projectors need to feel recognised and invited to share their unique perspective on things so with this authority they must first ask themselves what is in this for me? It is advisable to ask this out loud and then deciding how it feels in your body are you feeling pulled towards or pushed away from taking action?
5. Self-Projected Authority
This one is again specific to Projectors, it’s a deep inner knowing that something is for you or not for you. Talking through the options out loud will allow you tap into how you are truly feeling about the decision in front of you. When you verbalise the situation and how it might look if it were to form part of your identity, direction or life will either feel good or it won’t.
6. Mental Projected Authority
Very similar to numbers 4 & 5 above. This one is all about talking through the decisions you have to make but in this instance you may benefit from a sounding board. As you only have centres in your head defined (and we never want to make decisions with just our heads, we like heart & soul led decisions) it is useful to discuss the decision out loud with another. Be careful however who you choose to listen to you, they are only there to reflect back to you so you can decide how you truly feel they are not there to give their opinion of what you should do.
7. Lunar Authority
This authority is only for Reflectors, these people are lunar beings and for this reason it is very important that they make decisions based on the lunar cycle, which is approximately every 28 days. Like the authorities explored in 4,5 & 6 above they need to talk things through while making these decisions but the key is to really tune into how they are feeling while discussing the matter at hand. It only matters how you feel about the topic you are discussing not what others think.
So, knowing your own authority, how often do you allow it be the guiding star when making decisions?
Or do you look outside of you to others to belief in you, your abilities & your dreams? To you seek validation from others that you are making the right decision or do you trust yourself enough to know what is right or wrong for you?
Only you know what it right for you and only you know your next right move.
Tuning into your authority when a magic dark happens, or something just doesn’t feel right saves so much time and energy.
It allows you to really tune into the wisdom of your body and decide if something is in fact still your true north.
It allows you to change the trajectory of your life based on different decisions. Decisions which you have made 100% by tuning into the wisdom on your body, heart & soul.
When we lose attachment to the judgement of what others will think if we change our trajectory we allow ourselves to listen to our inner authority and we live a much more bountiful, exciting and joyful life.
Changing our trajectory and making decisions in our own unique way is extremely powerful and something I work consistently with clients to do.
Deciding on your true north is the first step and if you work with me you will be pushed to think much, much bigger than your current true north – because my darling you have no idea what you are made of.
If you are ready to start designing your life on your terms and are looking for a coach to really call you out on these thought errors my program is designed specifically for you.
The desire to create a life lived on your terms is the reason most of my clients come to work with me.
I have consciously created every facet of my life using the combination of my unique humand design, gene keys and general life coaching. I have become the master of my mind, nervous system and emotional wellness.
I adore the women I work with.
When I meet with them I don’t care about the life they have been making up to that point I want to hear all about the life they are dreaming of creating.
I don’t see their past I see their power and their potential.
I love Human Design - it gives us all of the information about all of the stars and planets that make up exactly who are.
You are a piece of the universe in motion and it is my job as your coach to help you unleash those universal forces inside of you and help you decide what you need to do to create the life of your dreams.
It is my job to make you realise what is inside of you.
To help you decide who you truly want to be and decide what changes you need to make to realise this reality.
My dream is for every amazing female I meet or engage with to live her life on her terms. How different would the world be if every woman was living life through her dream life?
Each time I work with a client the process is unique and tailored for their individual needs and dreams. A unique individual like you needs a bespoke approach to your dreams.
If you would like to deep dive into your dreams with me using your human design, gene keys & general life coaching to design your life on your terms then check out my website.
I am here to help as many accomplished women activate, integrate and play with every desire they possess. In my coaching program we achieve this by combining life coaching, your unique human design and gene keys to align your personal, professional and purpose lives in the most unique way for you.
If you would like to start getting ready to receive your desires and feel called to work with me you can get in touch with me here to arrange your Design A Life You Love consult.