live life by design

Elevate Your Life and Leadership Potential With Trauma-Informed Human Design Coaching

Achieve alignment in how you live, work, and play

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and conscious leadership through a personalised Human Design reading

Human Design— is a powerful tool that offers profound insights into your unique energy blueprint, helping you navigate life with clarity, confidence, and purpose. Through a personalised reading with Ann, you'll uncover the keys to unlocking your true potential and living in alignment with your design.

Meet Ann, your trusted and experienced trauma-informed Human Design guide on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. With years of experience and a passion for helping others unlock their true potential, Ann combines her expertise in Human Design with a compassionate approach, integrating nervous system regulation and trauma-informed practices to support you on your journey.

Why explore your Human Design?

Life's complexities can often leave us feeling overwhelmed, lost, or stuck in a cycle of frustration at any age or stage. You might find yourself questioning why certain patterns keep repeating or why you struggle to find fulfilment despite your efforts and are seeking answers.

Human Design coaching can profoundly impact your personal and professional life if you are:

  • Navigating significant life transitions or changes, seeking guidance and support.

  • Feeling like you're spinning your wheels, unsure of where you are on the path of life, despite being conscious of the need for direction and meaning.

  • Encountering recurring obstacles and challenges and in need of strategies for breakthroughs.

  • Seeking to level up your personal and/or professional life.

  • Struggling to find harmony in your relationships, longing for deeper, more meaningful connections in relationships, craving authentic intimacy

  • Feeling disconnected from your authentic self, even though you're aware of the significance of self-awareness and personal growth

  • Seeking to deepen your consciousness and awareness of yourself and others, recognising the transformative power of understanding energy dynamics and interpersonal relationships

  • Intrigued by the concept of Human Design and eager to explore how it can enhance your consciousness and awareness, offering insights into your unique essence and purpose.

  • Perhaps, your therapist has suggested exploring Human Design as a tool for expanding consciousness and fostering deeper connections with yourself and those around you.

  • Looking to gain insights into how you communicate and make decisions from a place of heightened awareness and alignment with your true self.

  • Longing to develop a sense of sturdiness and trust in the leadership of your own life, rooted in a profound understanding of your consciousness and interconnectedness with the world around you.

"Discovering my Human Design with Ann was a game-changer! Finally, I understand my strengths, weaknesses, and unique talents. I feel more empowered to make decisions and communicate authentically." -Sarah L.

"Thanks to Ann's guidance, I've found harmony in my relationships and clarity in my life's purpose. Understanding the dynamics between different energy types has deepened my connections and brought me closer to those around me." - Michael R.

"Ann's Human Design readings have enhanced my self-awareness and empowered me to embrace my authenticity fully. I now navigate life with confidence, knowing that I'm aligned with my true self." - Emily K

Discover who you were designed to be

Your Human Design chart is a roadmap to understanding your inner energy dynamics and authentic expression. As your dedicated guide, I'm here to support you in unlocking the wisdom of your chart, empowering you to navigate both your personal and professional life with clarity and confidence. During our time together you will:

Gain clarity on your strengths, weaknesses, and innate talents

Through a personalised Human Design reading, you'll gain profound insights into your unique strengths, weaknesses, and innate talents. By understanding these aspects of yourself, you can leverage your strengths to your advantage, address your weaknesses with compassion and strategy, and fully embrace your natural talents to excel in various areas of your life.

Illuminate your optimal environment for success in work, relationships, and personal growth

Gain valuable insights into the environments where you thrive best. Understanding your optimal environment can empower you to make informed decisions and create surroundings that support your growth and success. By aligning with your design, you'll cultivate environments that nurture your well-being and facilitate your evolution.

Receive guidance on decision-making, communication, and problem-solving tailored to your design

Your Human Design chart serves as a blueprint for how you best interact with the world. You'll receive tailored guidance on decision-making, communication strategies, and problem-solving techniques that align with your unique design. You'll learn how to navigate challenges with greater ease and make decisions that resonate with your authentic self.

Enhance your self-awareness and empower you to embrace your authenticity fully

Human Design is a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. By delving into your chart, you'll deepen your self-awareness and uncover hidden facets of your personality, motivations, and desires. This heightened self-awareness empowers you to embrace your authenticity fully, letting go of societal expectations and embracing who you truly are at your core. As you align with your authentic self, you'll experience greater fulfilment and joy in all aspects of your life.

Facilitate deeper connections and more harmonious relationships by understanding the dynamics between different energy types

By understanding the unique energy signatures of yourself and others, you'll cultivate deeper connections and more harmonious relationships. You'll learn to honour each other's differences, communicate more effectively, and navigate conflicts with empathy and understanding. Ultimately, this deeper understanding of interpersonal dynamics fosters greater intimacy, trust, and mutual respect in your relationships.

Discover your specific gifts and purpose

Discover the unique gifts and talents you possess and the purpose you're here to fulfil. By delving into your chart, you'll uncover the specific contributions you're designed to make to the world. This knowledge empowers you to align your life with your true purpose, tapping into your innate potential and sharing your gifts authentically with the world. As you embrace and embody your purpose, you'll experience a profound sense of fulfilment and make a meaningful impact on those around you.


Take the next step in your transformational journey. Book your 120-minute 1:1 Human Design Coaching Session with Ann today and embark on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and fulfilment.

Embrace Your Potential: Empowering Your Journey Towards Conscious Leadership and Personal Fulfillment

Ann’s approach to Human Design coaching integrates intuitive wisdom with practical guidance, providing unwavering support as you navigate life's challenges and align with your soul's purpose.

Whether you're embarking on your Human Design journey or seeking to deepen your understanding, each session is an opportunity for exploration and empowerment. Together, we'll unpack your energy type, strategy, authority, and profile, while uncovering the unique facets of your personality, gifts, and sensitivities. Our partnership will empower you to embrace your authenticity and thrive in alignment with your true self.

In our collaborative sessions, we will weave together the intricate insights of your chart with trauma and nervous system-informed practices, for a holistic approach to growth and transformation. Each session is meticulously tailored to your needs and understanding level, offering practical strategies to become a more conscious communicator, decisive decision-maker, and resilient leader in all aspects of your life.

Sessions are conducted via Zoom for your convenience, ensuring a seamless and accessible experience regardless of your location.

Embark on your Human Design journey today

What to expect during your 1:1 personalised reading:

Introduction to Human Design: An overview of what Human Design is and how it can transform your life.

Understanding Your Unique Design: Dive into your personal Human Design chart to uncover your strengths, weaknesses, talents, and purpose.

Navigating Relationships and Communication: Learn how to improve communication, deepen connections, and foster harmonious relationships by understanding the dynamics between different energy types.

Optimising Your Environment for Success: Gain insights into your optimal environment for work, relationships, and personal growth to enhance your overall well-being and success.

Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Strategies: Receive tailored guidance on decision-making and problem-solving techniques that align with your individual design, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence.

Embracing Authenticity and Self-Awareness: Explore strategies to enhance your self-awareness and fully embrace your authenticity, letting go of societal expectations and living in alignment with your true self.

Discovering Your Unique Gifts and Purpose: Unveil the specific contributions you're designed to make to the world and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Practical Application and Integration: Learn how to apply the insights gained from your Human Design reading to your daily life, integrating them into your decision-making, communication, and personal development practices.

Next Steps: Your Path to Transformation Begins Now

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared for your transformative 1:1 Human Design Coaching Session with Ann, ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

  1. Book Your Call: Choose a convenient time for your session by accessing the booking calendar using the button below.

  2. Complete the Questionnaire: Fill out the comprehensive questionnaire provided on the booking form. Your responses will assist Ann in preparing for your session, ensuring it's tailored to your unique needs and goals.

  3. Make Payment: Secure your session by completing the payment process. This ensures your booking is confirmed and reserves your spot for the scheduled appointment.

  4. Confirmation Email: Once your appointment is selected and payment is processed, you'll receive a confirmation email with all the details of your session, including the date, time, and any additional instructions or materials required. All sessions are carried out via Zoom for your convenience.

"Since exploring my Human Design with Ann, I've gained invaluable insights into my optimal environment for success. I've made changes in my work and personal life that have transformed my well-being and fulfilment." - David S.

"I cannot recommend Ann's Human Design sessions enough! Through her compassionate approach and deep insights, I've experienced profound shifts in my relationships, career, and overall well-being. If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, Ann is the guide you've been searching for." - Samantha L.

"Learning about my specific gifts and purpose through Human Design has been life-changing. With Ann's support, I've embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, ready to share my unique contributions with the world." - Jessica M.

Frequently asked questions

  • Human Design is a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system to provide insights into your unique personality, strengths, and purpose in life.

  • In a coaching session, you'll receive a personalised analysis of your Human Design chart, including insights into your strengths, weaknesses, communication style, decision-making process, and more. You'll also learn practical strategies for applying this knowledge to your daily life.

  • The sessions typically last between 90 to 120 minutes, depending on your needs and the depth of analysis required.

  • No prior knowledge is necessary. Your coach will guide you through the basics and help you understand how Human Design applies to your life.

  • Human Design can benefit you by providing clarity on your life's purpose, enhancing your self-awareness, improving your relationships, and empowering you to make decisions aligned with your true self.

  • Human Design coaching is suitable for anyone interested in self-discovery, personal growth, and empowerment. Whether you're facing specific challenges or simply seeking a deeper understanding of yourself, Human Design can offer valuable insights and guidance.

  • To book a coaching session, simply click on any of the buttons on this page and choose a convenient date and time from the booking calendar. Complete the booking form and questionnaire, make the payment, and you'll receive a confirmation email with all the details.

  • Curiosity is encouraged around here so I promise, no question is a silly one. Feel free to email me at and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.