Understanding the mechanics of compressing time, quantum leaping and instant manifestations

Understanding the Mechanics of Compressing Time, Quantum Leaping & Instant Manifestations

Before we dive into this week's topic I want to offer you a gentle reminder that if you would like to keep up to date with my social media posts you can follow me here.


If you would like to see me discuss this week's topic in video format you can do so here.

A very clever client of mine asked me my opinion on the words, compressing time, quantum leaping & instantaneous manifestations, words we see a lot of in the personal development and coaching world so I wanted to share my response to her in this week's email.

Time is a measuring tool for us to know how “quickly” or “slowly” we are moving towards our desired destination be that a physical place or finishing a particular task.

Time is how we measure the space between where we are and where we want to be.

Time goes slowly when you are in the most boring work meeting & it feels like such a drain on your energy, will it ever end??...

Time passing quickly when you are having the best time with family or friends can feel like a surprise, a delight, fun & playful.  

On social media you may have seen many people talking about how quantum leaping has resulted in people all of sudden earning more than they ever dreamed of, getting more clients, attracting better work opportunities, promotions, higher salaries etc.

And my take on this is that while it might seem like something instantaneous that happened in their life, this is somewhat of a false premise.  

The truth is what seems like an instantaneous change of circumstances is a manifestation of consistent and persistent work in the direction of the desired outcome. 

It is brain & thought work, nervous system regulation work, it is clarity work, it is honouring your boundaries, setting higher boundaries, deciding what no longer serves you, figuring out what is working, what is not working and what you need to do differently.  It is making the conscious decision to uncouple your life from things that are draining your energy and focus.  It is being brutally honest with yourself about what you desire and why you no longer want to live your life the way you have been.  It is embracing your emotional awareness, tuning into the wisdom of your body and listening with intention to what it has to share with you. 

It is an eye on the prize energy that is cultivated through a deep level of self awareness and trust in every  action and decision you make.  

It might look easy, indeed, you may even get frustrated watching others “Quantum Leap”, but the reality is achieving this takes consistent practice and determination to manage your brains thoughts, beliefs, nervous system, focus and vibration so that they are always drawing you closer to your desired outcome in what might seem like an INSTANT manifestation to the outside world.

Compressing time, quantum leaping and instantaneous manifestations comes from the non-negotiable decision to Self Lead at all times. 

A Self Leader, when something bad happens, DOES NOT:

  • Wallow in how much of a failure they are

  • Resent others who are moving forward with their lives

  • Blame others for their misfortune

  • Dance with the despair of others that things are not working out for them

  • Continue to repeat past behaviour & patterns when triggered

  • Put other people's opinions, strategies or beliefs above their own

On the other hand a Self Leader, when something bad happens DOES:

  • Ask really good questions, cultivating curiosity about what might need improvement or change to move the needle.

  • Notice what things are showing up in their reality that are not aligned with the desired destination and they question what is happening inside of them that this thing is showing up.

  • They never blame the outside world for their results, they sit down, get honest with themselves and figure out where improvement can be made.

  • They catch rogue thoughts & beliefs their brain offers them, they acknowledge them and they decide whether to believe them or not.

  • They notice when their nervous system is outside of their Window of Tolerance and they have a strategy to bring it back into a regulated state.

  • They make changes in their life when the feedback from their reality is showing them something in their aura is off.

  • & most importantly they expect their desires to become their reality, without exception.

You have everything you need inside of you to Self Lead your life, however, due to life circumstances & social conditioning you have lost your connection to the wisdom that is inside of you.  

You are the solution to all the perceived problems in your life.  

Everything you need to realise the life you so viscerally desire is inside of you and when you relearn how to Self Lead you will be well on your way to Designing A Life You Love and quantum leaping all over the place!

Everything you desire is on the other side of change & curiosity, which are the main pillars of Self Leading. 

And this is what I am here to help my client do, decide on the changes they need to make in order to design, create & live the life they desire and to get curious about what is standing between their now reality & the life they are desiring.

You are here on purpose to live a harmonious and joyous life.

You are meant to live your life on purpose and with intention.

You are capable of designing & living a life you love at any stage in the most intuitive and easy way possible.

My greatest pleasure is seeing the people my clients have become, having learned all they need to know inorder to uplevel again and again, into the people they dreamed of being when we first met.  I witness their life designs unfolding in the most exquisite and decadent ways you can ever imagine.


If you are ready to change your life and live your life on your terms, leading, connecting and communicating with your INNER BEING at every moment then get in touch today.  My Design A Life You Love program is designed specifically for you to do just that.

If you are ready to actualise your life design and become the Chief Designer of your own story and prioritize your relationship with your inner being above all others my Design A Life You Love coaching program is what you have been searching for.

If you are ready for more harmony in your life and this program sounds like what you have been looking for, hit reply to this email to arrange a consultation directly with me or click  here to arrange your Design a Life Your Love Consult Call directly.

I can’t wait to meet you.

Before we dive into this week's topic I want to offer you a gentle reminder that if you would like to keep up to date with my social media posts you can follow me here.


If you would like to see me discuss this week's topic in video format you can do so here.

A very clever client of mine asked me my opinion on the words, compressing time, quantum leaping & instantaneous manifestations, words we see a lot of in the personal development and coaching world so I wanted to share my response to her in this week's email.

Time is a measuring tool for us to know how “quickly” or “slowly” we are moving towards our desired destination be that a physical place or finishing a particular task.

Time is how we measure the space between where we are and where we want to be.

Time goes slowly when you are in the most boring work meeting & it feels like such a drain on your energy, will it ever end??...

Time passing quickly when you are having the best time with family or friends can feel like a surprise, a delight, fun & playful.  

On social media you may have seen many people talking about how quantum leaping has resulted in people all of sudden earning more than they ever dreamed of, getting more clients, attracting better work opportunities, promotions, higher salaries etc.

And my take on this is that while it might seem like something instantaneous that happened in their life, this is somewhat of a false premise.  

The truth is what seems like an instantaneous change of circumstances is a manifestation of consistent and persistent work in the direction of the desired outcome. 

It is brain & thought work, nervous system regulation work, it is clarity work, it is honouring your boundaries, setting higher boundaries, deciding what no longer serves you, figuring out what is working, what is not working and what you need to do differently.  It is making the conscious decision to uncouple your life from things that are draining your energy and focus.  It is being brutally honest with yourself about what you desire and why you no longer want to live your life the way you have been.  It is embracing your emotional awareness, tuning into the wisdom of your body and listening with intention to what it has to share with you. 

It is an eye on the prize energy that is cultivated through a deep level of self awareness and trust in every  action and decision you make.  

It might look easy, indeed, you may even get frustrated watching others “Quantum Leap”, but the reality is achieving this takes consistent practice and determination to manage your brains thoughts, beliefs, nervous system, focus and vibration so that they are always drawing you closer to your desired outcome in what might seem like an INSTANT manifestation to the outside world.

Compressing time, quantum leaping and instantaneous manifestations comes from the non-negotiable decision to Self Lead at all times. 

A Self Leader, when something bad happens, DOES NOT:

  • Wallow in how much of a failure they are

  • Resent others who are moving forward with their lives

  • Blame others for their misfortune

  • Dance with the despair of others that things are not working out for them

  • Continue to repeat past behaviour & patterns when triggered

  • Put other people's opinions, strategies or beliefs above their own

On the other hand a Self Leader, when something bad happens DOES:

  • Ask really good questions, cultivating curiosity about what might need improvement or change to move the needle.

  • Notice what things are showing up in their reality that are not aligned with the desired destination and they question what is happening inside of them that this thing is showing up.

  • They never blame the outside world for their results, they sit down, get honest with themselves and figure out where improvement can be made.

  • They catch rogue thoughts & beliefs their brain offers them, they acknowledge them and they decide whether to believe them or not.

  • They notice when their nervous system is outside of their Window of Tolerance and they have a strategy to bring it back into a regulated state.

  • They make changes in their life when the feedback from their reality is showing them something in their aura is off.

  • & most importantly they expect their desires to become their reality, without exception.

You have everything you need inside of you to Self Lead your life, however, due to life circumstances & social conditioning you have lost your connection to the wisdom that is inside of you.  

You are the solution to all the perceived problems in your life.  

Everything you need to realise the life you so viscerally desire is inside of you and when you relearn how to Self Lead you will be well on your way to Designing A Life You Love and quantum leaping all over the place!

Everything you desire is on the other side of change & curiosity, which are the main pillars of Self Leading. 

And this is what I am here to help my client do, decide on the changes they need to make in order to design, create & live the life they desire and to get curious about what is standing between their now reality & the life they are desiring.

You are here on purpose to live a harmonious and joyous life.

You are meant to live your life on purpose and with intention.

You are capable of designing & living a life you love at any stage in the most intuitive and easy way possible.

My greatest pleasure is seeing the people my clients have become, having learned all they need to know inorder to uplevel again and again, into the people they dreamed of being when we first met.  I witness their life designs unfolding in the most exquisite and decadent ways you can ever imagine.


If you are ready to change your life and live your life on your terms, leading, connecting and communicating with your INNER BEING at every moment then get in touch today.  My Design A Life You Love program is designed specifically for you to do just that.

If you are ready to actualise your life design and become the Chief Designer of your own story and prioritize your relationship with your inner being above all others my Design A Life You Love coaching program is what you have been searching for.

If you are ready for more harmony in your life and this program sounds like what you have been looking for, hit reply to this email to arrange a consultation directly with me or click  here to arrange your Design a Life Your Love Consult Call directly.

I can’t wait to meet you.

Ann Smyth

Ann Smyth, a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, specialises in guiding individuals through transformative journeys. Using a unique blend of Human Design, brain and nervous system retraining, she approaches her coaching practice with a trauma-informed perspective. Ann's mission is to reignite her clients' passion for life, fostering a deep love for their own existence.

Her expertise is particularly valuable for executives and professionals who have achieved professional success, yet find themselves dealing with significant stress, burnout, or regret about how they are living their lives and spending their most valuable asset—their time. Through her "Design A Life You Love Philosophy," Ann empowers these individuals to reclaim control over their life, work, and leisure, ultimately leading them to a more sustainable and intentional way of living.

Clients who embrace the "Design a Life You Love" philosophy experience a newfound sense of peace in their lives, enjoying contentment and ease across all facets of their lives. Ann Smyth's coaching is the key to unlocking the full potential of your life and leadership journey.


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