Have you been experiencing tests and triggers when manifesting?

If you would like to see me discuss this week's topic in video format you can do so here.

Recently, a very clever client of mine asked me my opinion on the word TESTS, a word that is used alot in the personal development and manifestation world so I wanted to share my response to her in this week's email.

For those of you who are not familiar with the use of the word Tests or Triggers let me go into a bit of detail here.  

Imagine you want improvement in some area of your life, your career, your intimate relationship, your finances etc.  You decide enough is enough and you are no longer available for lower standards in your life.  You expect the best.

One week later…

Your asshole ex shows up.

The person you are dating behaves like an ex.

Your boss treats you badly.

You get passed up for a promotion.

Your colleague gets a title you desire.

And you think you are being tested & you feel triggered.  

You decided you wanted better - why wouldn't the Universe test you and your deservedness.

I hear these words a lot from clients - I feel like I am being tested by the Universe.

And the human or head response to this is I'm either failing or passing this test and if the physical evidence in your life at that moment is that you are “Failing” and moving towards your desired life outcome your automatic response is to think you are doing something wrong.

Thoughts that you are doing something wrong can lead to feeling shame.  That you are somehow inherently bad and not worthy of what you desire.

But this is not your truth.

The fact of the matter is you JUST decided you deserved better for yourself.  

How is that possibly a FAIL???

This act of deciding you want more from life is one of the most loving things you could ever do for yourself.  To make a decision to want and expect better conditions & experiences in your life is the best decision you can ever make.

You are limitless beyond measure so you should always be expecting more from life ALL of the time.

So back to TESTS & TRIGGERS.

Prior to you making the decision to want better you have been settling.

Settling for sh*tty behaviour, salaries, conditions & experiences.

And that version of you has been active in your energetic blueprint for quite some time.  

The momentum & vibration of the energetic frequency that things are always happening to you and therefore you shouldn't expect too much from any situation is very active in your energetic aura - even as you make the decision to expect better.

When it comes to designing & creating a life you love your now reality and your brain is only concerned with two things TIME & SPACE.

In other words the TIME it is taking for your life to change and the SPACE between where you are and where you want to be.

Thinking that the TIME between when you decided you deserve better from your life and the TIME the asshole ex boyfriend or being overlooked for a promotion happened is a TEST is a THOUGHT ERROR.

These things showing up after you make that decision is not a TEST for you to pass or fail.  

These things are FEEDBACK and DATA about where your thoughts, feelings & emotions have been vibrating for some time. 

They are a physical representation of where you have been creating & manifesting from. 

And that is from a lower standard than you have only NOW decided you are available for.

When you reframe what is happening in your current reality as FEEDBACK or DATA you become an active observer of your reality. 

You observe from an unattached yet compassionate place for the person you were projecting your desires from. 

By this, I mean you analyse the DATA and observe how far your now reality is from where you desire to be.

Then you acknowledge that what is showing up in your now reality is simply a physical manifestation of your old vibration where your standards were not as high as you have now decided they should be.   

And then you get CURIOUS…

then CURIOUSER & then CURIOUSER some more. 

Through this curiosity you ask what changes you need to make in order to become the person you have decided to be & you figure out what actions this better version of you would take right now?  Get curious about how she holds herself, her posture, her tone, her language, the people she surrounds herself with, the content she consumes, the thoughts she has, the way she goes about her day…

And then you decide which of these actions, thoughts or behaviours you need to start implementing in order to speed up the vibration of who you are becoming & calling in inorder to slow down the vibration of the old version of you which is only now showing up in your current reality.

There is no TEST to pass or fail, you are perfectly whole and complete exactly as you are with all the power and answers you need locked up inside of you.

There is only FEEDBACK and DATA to observe, manipulate and use to help you move towards the person you are designed and destined to become.

Understanding that there is a TIME and SPACE delay between who you were being and who you are becoming is part of the human experiment we talk about in Human Design.  

Compressing the TIME and SPACE between where you are and where you want to be does not come from shaming yourself for possibly failing a test but from being an active observer of what is showing up in your energetic aura and deciding how to use that data to make meaningful changes in your life.

Everything you desire is on the other side of change & curiosity. 

And this is what I am here to help my client do, decide on the changes they need to make in order to design, create & live the life they desire and to get curious about what is standing between their now reality & the life they are desiring.

You are here on purpose to live a harmonious and joyous life.

You are meant to live your life on purpose and with intention.

You are capable of designing & living a life you love at any stage in the most intuitive and easy way possible.

My greatest pleasure is seeing the people my clients have become, having learned all they need to know inorder to uplevel again and again, into the people they dreamed of being when we first met.  I witness their life designs unfolding in the most exquisite and decadent ways you can ever imagine.


If you are ready to change your life and live your life on your terms, leading, connecting and communicating with your INNER BEING at every moment then get in touch today.  My Design A Life You Love program is designed specifically for you to do just that.

If you are ready to actualise your life design and become the Chief Designer of your own story and prioritize your relationship with your inner being above all others my Design A Life You Love coaching program is what you have been searching for.

I show my clients how to move with ease into the deservingness of all of their desires in their personal, professional & financial lives.

With me you will learn how to own your desires & dream big, manage your brain & nervous system, wiring both for success.

With me, you will learn how to fall in love with all you are, all you offer & what you put out into the world through your work.

Consider your life 1 year from now, if you focused your attention in the direction of a version of yourself, your work & your finances that you have previously only dreamed of? How different would your life be?

Everything is possible for you & I am here to show you how.

My coaching program is designed to help my client come up with their own unique life design plan so they can move towards their new vision for themselves from the safety, sufficiency and sureness that they have everything they need inside of them to accomplish everything they desire.

Are you next? Arrange a consult with me today here.

Ann Smyth

Ann Smyth, a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, specialises in guiding individuals through transformative journeys. Using a unique blend of Human Design, brain and nervous system retraining, she approaches her coaching practice with a trauma-informed perspective. Ann's mission is to reignite her clients' passion for life, fostering a deep love for their own existence.

Her expertise is particularly valuable for executives and professionals who have achieved professional success, yet find themselves dealing with significant stress, burnout, or regret about how they are living their lives and spending their most valuable asset—their time. Through her "Design A Life You Love Philosophy," Ann empowers these individuals to reclaim control over their life, work, and leisure, ultimately leading them to a more sustainable and intentional way of living.

Clients who embrace the "Design a Life You Love" philosophy experience a newfound sense of peace in their lives, enjoying contentment and ease across all facets of their lives. Ann Smyth's coaching is the key to unlocking the full potential of your life and leadership journey.


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