Are you spiritually nourished?

Before we dive into this week's topic I want to offer you a gentle reminder that if you would like to keep up to date with my social media posts you can follow me here.

This week's topic is SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT.

There is a video of me discussing this topic on YouTube here if that suits your learning style better.

The term nourishment is usually used in the context of the food that we consume.  Many careers have been built on advising us whether we are being adequately nourished by the food we are eating.

Our bodies need certain amounts of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, proteins etc in order to function at their optimum.

In the world of food, assessing the adequacy of your nourishment can be achieved through simple blood tests that can advise where we are under nourished and we can then put steps in place to bridge the gap in our nourishment.

A lack of nourishment, stunts our growth, promotes illness and can contribute to stress, tiredness and affects our capacity to work.

Being adequately nourished by the food we consume is essential to our existence. 

But what about everything outside of food?

How can you tell if the people, places, circumstances & events you are encountering every day are nourishing you or depleting you?

How do you know if your heart & soul is being spiritually nourished?

Spiritual nourishment is when we are engaging with something that encourages the development of ideas, feelings & abilities that are aligned with our chosen trajectory. 

The people you surround yourself with, the environments you find yourself most regularly in, the events you go to, the work you do, the places you shop, the books you read, the podcasts you listen to, the information you consume, the places you visit should ALL be encouraging the development of ideas, feelings and your abilities. 

Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you are being nourished by these things?

Or, is there something on this list that is stunting your growth, affecting your health, contributing to stress, tiredness and/or your ability to work?

Sometimes we can be so conditioned by our environments & circumstances we may not even realise that our feelings are numbed by our active participation in them.

The limiting belief that there are no other options for work, for lovers, for friends cuts us off from the messaging coming from our body that something is wrong.

Your INNER BEING, that extremely clever & highly intuitive part of you, is always present.  

It is consistently and persistently speaking to you, but when we find ourselves spending so much time inside of our heads, reasoning, logicing, making excuses for other people and circumstances we drown out the wisdom of this INNER BEING.

Our connection to our INNER BEING is a vital life source.

It is our fast track route to more pleasure, play, joy, wisdom, freedom, expansion, creativity, curiosity and most importantly love. 

Spiritual nourishment encourages the development of:

Ideas ………. Thinking creatively, inspiration, intuition, expansion, knowledge.

Feelings …….. Emotions, the full breath and spectrum is normal, feeling sad, happy, joyous, disappointed everything is meant to be felt.

Ability …… Your skills, your wisdom, your unique genius.

So, be honest with yourself, where are not being spiritually nourished is your life?

Where is change needed?

Where do you believe change cannot happen?

Where are you feeling stuck?

I remember my penultimate 9-5 full time job with both gratitude & grief. 

This job working for a very large charity, looked very attractive on the outside, a fantastic salary, a company car, expenses, right next door to my home etc.

But on the inside it was toxic.

In this job I experienced a culture of bullying (I was in fact bullied into retracting my statement to HR that there was bullying happening in the organisation being told it would raise eyebrows), a misogynistic boss who looking back was clearly so unhappy in his personal life he saw it fit to come to work and assert dominance and fear into me, the only woman on the team.  Micromanaging by the same boss who told me my ability to get my work done in a timely manner was showing him up and to slow down my work and only present things to stakeholders when he said so - this was not the case for my male colleagues…….

You get the drift.  It was toxic, I was miserable.

I have both gratitude and grief for this time in my life.

I have gratitude for these deeply malnourishing circumstances because without them I would not be where I am today and I have grief for the shell of a woman I became.

I pulled back from all social experiences because I was so engulfed in pain and surviving the emotional abuse I was experiencing.  I doubted my own abilities and with all my heart believed I was the problem rather than the solution.  I hated every moment, not just when I was sitting at my desk but also in my personal time because I couldn't quiet the chatter in my head telling me I was the one in the wrong.

But like with all things in life,I didn't realise until I removed myself from the situation that I was being severely malnourished in that environment. 

Creativity was discouraged, emotions were shot down (particularly as a female how dare you!) and my belief in my abilities was always being questioned.

I eventually gave up when my body was so tired, exhausted and riddled with anxiety.   

Only then could I see I was actually the solution and not the problem. 

I had not prioritised my spiritual nourishment and drowned out the wisdom of my INNER BEING so it had to take matters into her own hands.  Sickness and illness took over my body making me physically stop and take stock of how spiritually malnourished I was.

I don´t want this for you.

I don´t want you to be so disconnected from your INNER BEING that you have to hit rock bottom in order to change.

I want you to have the most juiciest, delicious, pleasurable, playful & expansive experiences always.

I want your creativity to be inspired, to feel the full depth of your emotions and know that it is not only normal but necessary and I want everything you do to enhance and develop your abilities.

You are here on purpose.  With your own unique human experiment to play with all day every day.

And you owe it to yourself and everyone around you to be the most spiritually nourished person you can be. 

If you are ready to change your life and live your life on your terms, leading, connecting and communicating with your INNER BEING at every moment then get in touch today.  My Design A Life You Love program is designed specifically for you to do just that.

My greatest pleasure is seeing the people my clients have become, having learned all they need to know inorder to uplevel again and again, into the people they dreamed of being when we first met.  I witness their life designs unfolding in the most exquisite and decadent ways you can ever imagine.

If you are ready to actualise your life design and become the Hero of your own story and prioritize your relationship with your inner being my Design A Life You Love coaching program is what you have been searching for.

I want you to prioritize your relationship with your INNER BEING above all else.

When you know how to prioritise your inner being and create safety in your nervous system you move away from thinking about what you should be doing and you start allowing your joy, ease and pleasure of life to express itself through you.

To help you connect with your inner being and individual meaningfulness I use Human Design & Gene Keys as my tools of choice.

Cultivating a deep and intimate knowledge of yourself and what magic you have locked up inside of your heart is a fundamental part of designing a life you love.  

Self trust, cultivating a deep sense of knowing that you are worthy of actualising your desires & soothing your nervous system are key skills I teach  my clients in my Design A Life You Love Coaching Program.

During our time together my clients get to know themselves and connect with their desires on such a deep level that they know no matter what the physical evidence is in their now reality, they will achieve that which they set out to achieve.  

My clients learn unwavering Self Trust & they become the Master of their destiny.

This is achieved by helping my clients to use their brains & bodies as they were uniquely designed to be used.

I help them understand their current decision making systems, their meaning making systems, their thought processing systems etc and I help them set up sustainable systems using their unique human design & gene keys so they can spend more time intuiting, experiencing pleasure & enjoying every moment of their life.

I teach them how to become an active observer of their own lives.  Living consciously in them & choosing with intention how much pleasure they want to experience at any moment.

Learning to manage your brain and think your way into pleasurable states, actions & results is a key theme in my  Design A Life You Love coaching program.

Better feeling thoughts, lead to better feeling actions & that leads to better feeling results.

Learning to manage your brain is a key skill I will teach you in my Design A Life You Love coaching program.  I will show you how to tune into and lead with your unique intuition, manage your mind, develop a high level of emotional intelligence & awareness for yourself, regulate your nervous system and how to pattern disrupt your own thought errors & behaviours so that you can design, create & live the lives you know they are innately worthy of.

I love what I do helping intelligent, curious people to manage their brains, gain clarity on their desires & tune into their unique intuition to Design Lives They Love.

We are meant to be unique and individual and we are meant to share our individuality with the world.

Your individual meaningfulness can be on any scale, it can be running your own company, being a freelance writer, starting your own business, starting your own farm, being an artist solely for the sake of making art, being a parent……. The list is truly endless. 

Your individual meaningfulness is how you express the you-est you to the world. 

What I know for sure from the women I have had the privilege to work with is when these women connected with their individual meaningfulness through their unique human design & gene keys and we proactively & compassionately designed lives they loved, their lives got better and better.

They began leading and living their lives based on their intuitive impulses and life got easier.  More flow, more white space to process ideas & information, more connection, better communication, more inspiration, more place, more surrender, more pleasure, more joy and more ease.

And that is what you will experience if you started leading your life based on the answer to one question, what would you be doing right now if your only concern was how to be the You-est, you could ever be.

Designing a life you love is a very powerful process.  It is taking the creative control back into your hands 100%.  It is scary but the woman you birth through the experience is the most delicious and yummiest you, you can ever imagine.

Are you ready to lean into all your deliciousness?

I work with the most incredible people and I hope you are next.

These women are designing and creating lives they love with purpose & intention. They are living their lives intuitively and with ease.  They are experiencing divine wisdom through stillness, presence in their lives, surrender and flow.  

Throughout your time working with me you will achieve:

  • Clarity of your vision

  • High levels of emotional intelligence

  • An understanding of your unique communication style

  • An ability to reset your nervous system to neutral in any situation

  • A clear channel with your unique inbuilt intuitive decision making system

  • Deep knowledge of your brain and how thoughts & beliefs are formed by you

  • An understanding of your personal meaning making systems

  • A second brain system to help file and store ideas, inspirations, distractions, procrastinations etc

  • Focused and continued attention in the direction of your desired outcome

  • Trust in yourself & your worthiness to create & receive

  • Total acceptance of the belief that you can have, do or be anything your heart desires.

If you would like to learn more about working with me I would love to invite you deeper into my work through my coaching program:

Design A Life You Love Coaching Program:

A 1:1 intimate program is for you if you are ready to start living your personal and professional lives 100% on your terms.   If the trajectory of your life currently feels unfilling and unsatisfactory to you this program is designed specifically for you.  Living with purpose and intention is truly possible for you, the world needs more of your individual meaningfulness shared with it.

I am so excited to take the next step of working together, feel free to email me now if you are ready for your next level expansion. 

When I meet with a client I want to hear all about the life they are dreaming of creating.

I don’t see their past, I see their power and their potential.

I love Human Design - it gives us all of the information about all of the stars and planets that make up exactly who you are.

You are a piece of the universe in motion and it is my job as your coach to help you unleash those universal forces inside of you and help you decide what you need to do to create the life of your dreams.

It is my job to make you realise what is inside of you.

To help you decide who you truly want to be and decide what changes you need to make to realise this reality.

My dream is for every amazing female I meet or engage with to live her life on her terms. How different would the world be if every woman was living life through her dream life?

Each time I work with a client the process is unique and tailored for their individual needs and dreams. A unique individual like you needs a bespoke approach to your dreams.

If you would like to deep dive into your dreams with me using your human design, gene keys & general life coaching to design your life on your terms then hit reply.

If you would like to start getting ready to receive your desires and feel called to work with me you can get in touch with me here to arrange your Design a Life Your Love Consult Call.

Ann Smyth

Ann Smyth, a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, specialises in guiding individuals through transformative journeys. Using a unique blend of Human Design, brain and nervous system retraining, she approaches her coaching practice with a trauma-informed perspective. Ann's mission is to reignite her clients' passion for life, fostering a deep love for their own existence.

Her expertise is particularly valuable for executives and professionals who have achieved professional success, yet find themselves dealing with significant stress, burnout, or regret about how they are living their lives and spending their most valuable asset—their time. Through her "Design A Life You Love Philosophy," Ann empowers these individuals to reclaim control over their life, work, and leisure, ultimately leading them to a more sustainable and intentional way of living.

Clients who embrace the "Design a Life You Love" philosophy experience a newfound sense of peace in their lives, enjoying contentment and ease across all facets of their lives. Ann Smyth's coaching is the key to unlocking the full potential of your life and leadership journey.


Have you been experiencing tests and triggers when manifesting?


My love hate relationship with Human Design