Human Design G Centre Love, Identity, and Direction

C Centre Human Design shown in orange on a blue background

The G Centre is one of the most pivotal and profound aspects of the Human Design system. It plays a crucial role in shaping how we experience some of the most fundamental aspects of life—love, identity, and direction. Positioned at the centre of the Human Design Bodygraph, the G Centre is often seen as the heart of our energetic system, influencing our sense of self and how we navigate the world around us. Understanding the G Centre can provide deep insights into how we connect with others, how we view ourselves, and how we find our unique path in life.

At the core of the G Centre lies a mystical and fascinating concept called the Magnetic Monopole. Unlike most magnets that have two poles (attracting and repelling), the Magnetic Monopole is a magnet with only one pole. Its function is simple yet powerful: it attracts. The Magnetic Monopole pulls toward us the experiences, people, and opportunities that are meant for our specific life journey. It doesn't just attract random occurrences—it draws what aligns with our unique identity and purpose, guiding us through the trajectory of our lives. In essence, the Magnetic Monopole is what holds our lives together and directs us forward.

The themes of love, identity, and direction are intricately woven into the fabric of the G Centre. This centre determines how we experience and express love, whether it’s the love we have for ourselves, the love we share with others, or the broader sense of universal love. It governs our sense of identity—whether we experience ourselves as having a stable, fixed sense of self, or if we feel more fluid and adaptable in how we identify. Moreover, the G Centre provides us with direction in life, serving as an internal compass that guides us toward the people, places, and experiences that are right for us. It helps us stay on our path, leading us toward fulfilment and purpose.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the G Centre’s themes of love, identity, and direction. We will explore how these aspects manifest differently for individuals with defined and undefined G Centres, as well as strategies for aligning with the G Centre to live an authentic and fulfilling life. Additionally, we will examine the gates of the G Centre, which influence specific aspects of how we express love and direction, and provide practical tools such as journal prompts and affirmations to enhance your connection with this vital energy center.

Understanding the G Centre is not just about intellectual knowledge—it’s about learning how to harness its power in your everyday life. By aligning with the natural pull of the Magnetic Monopole and allowing yourself to be guided by the G Centre’s innate wisdom, you can experience deeper self-awareness, greater love, and a clearer sense of direction. Whether you have a defined or undefined G Centre, embracing its role in your design opens the door to living a life that is aligned with your true essence, allowing you to flow with the natural rhythm of life.

In the sections that follow, we will unpack the G Centre’s biological and spiritual correlations, explore its connection to the Magnetic Monopole, and provide practical strategies for living in alignment with its energy. Whether you are new to Human Design or seeking to deepen your understanding of the G Centre, this article will offer valuable insights and tools to help you navigate your journey with greater clarity and purpose.

Nine Centres of the Human Design Bodygraph

The Human Design Bodygraph consists of nine centres, each representing a vital aspect of human experience and energy flow. These centres work together to shape our thoughts, emotions, actions, and interactions with the world. Each centre governs specific energies related to different areas of life, such as mental clarity, emotional awareness, or physical vitality. Understanding these centres helps us recognise how we operate on an energetic level and how we interact with external influences.

  • Head Centre – This is the centre of inspiration, mental pressure, and contemplation. It is where we experience the drive to seek answers, make sense of life, and form ideas.

  • Ajna Centre – Responsible for conceptualisation and analysis, the Ajna processes information and forms our beliefs, opinions, and perspectives.

  • Throat Centre – The centre of communication and manifestation, the Throat allows us to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions and plays a role in bringing things into reality through action or words.

  • G Centre – The focus of this article, the G Centre governs identity, love, and direction. It is the centre that connects us to our sense of self and our life’s path. It also holds the Magnetic Monopole, which attracts the people, places, and experiences that shape our journey.

  • Heart/Ego Centre – This centre is responsible for willpower, self-worth, and motivation. It influences our sense of value, our desires, and our drive to achieve and succeed in the material world.

  • Solar Plexus Centre – The emotional center of the bodygraph, the Solar Plexus governs emotions, moods, and feelings. It is also where emotional waves are processed and navigated.

  • Sacral Centre – The life force centre, the Sacral provides the energy for work, creativity, and reproduction. It is the source of vitality and is key to maintaining the flow of creative and productive energy in life.

  • Spleen Centre – This centre handles intuition, health, and survival. It is our oldest centre in terms of evolution and governs instinctual fears and the body's immune system.

  • Root Centre – The Root is a pressure centre that governs drive, stress, and the motivation to take action. It provides the energy needed to initiate and complete tasks, pushing us to move forward.

Each of these nine centres can be defined or undefined, which determines whether you have consistent energy in that area or whether you are more open and influenced by external forces. The dynamic between these centers in your bodygraph creates your unique energetic blueprint, offering insights into how you navigate life and interact with others.

Overview of the G Centre

The G Centre, while primarily recognised for its role in guiding love, identity, and direction, also has a deep biological connection to the body. In Human Design, this centre is linked to the liver and blood, two essential elements that maintain our physical vitality. The liver, as a vital organ, filters toxins and processes nutrients, ensuring that the blood—which delivers oxygen and nourishment to all parts of the body—remains pure and capable of sustaining life. When the liver is compromised or damaged, the body’s entire system suffers, as it can no longer cleanse the blood or maintain the balance necessary for optimal health. What makes this connection to the G Centre particularly fascinating is the parallel between how the liver sustains the body and how the G Centre sustains our sense of self and life direction.

The Magnetic Monopole, located within the G Centre, mirrors this biological role by acting as the spiritual and energetic anchor of our being. The Magnetic Monopole is responsible for attracting experiences, relationships, and opportunities into our lives, much like how the liver draws in and processes nutrients. This single-pole magnet works solely by attracting what aligns with our path, directing us throughout our lives. This continuous attraction shapes not only our identity and the love we experience but also our overall trajectory through life.
The G Centre holds a unique position in Human Design because it is the seat of two significant Incarnation Crosses: the Cross of the Vessel of Love and the Cross of the Sphinx. These Incarnation Crosses represent core themes of love and direction that shape how individuals experience their lives.

The Cross of the Vessel of Love
The Cross of the Vessel of Love is fundamentally connected to how we experience and express love in all its forms. It represents four primary gates in the G Centre that embody different aspects of love:

  • Gate 15: The love of humanity, which focuses on embracing diversity, extremes, and the rhythms of life.

  • Gate 10: The love of self, which highlights the importance of authentic behaviour and being true to oneself.

  • Gate 25: Universal love, representing unconditional love that transcends personal or specific relationships, embodying purity and innocence.

  • Gate 46: The love of the body, which signifies our connection to the physical form and the determination to care for and appreciate our bodies as vessels of life.

Together, these gates form the foundation of the Vessel of Love, guiding individuals toward a balanced experience of love in its most personal and universal forms. This cross reminds us that love begins with the self, radiates outward into our relationships with others, and ultimately connects us to the larger universe.

The Cross of the Sphinx
The Cross of the Sphinx, on the other hand, is all about direction. While love guides our internal experiences, the Sphinx Cross provides us with a sense of where we have come from, where we are going, and how to navigate the journey ahead. The four gates of this cross serve as directional markers that help us understand time and space:

  • Gate 1: Represents the present moment, embodying creativity and self-expression.

  • Gate 13: Connects us to the past, encouraging reflection and learning from previous experiences.

  • Gate 7: Looks to the future, focusing on leadership and the role we play in influencing others.

  • Gate 2: Serves as the driver, pointing us toward the correct path in life by allowing us to follow our natural direction.

The Cross of the Sphinx teaches that while we may not always know the destination, we are always being guided toward it. These gates offer perspectives on life that help us align with the flow of time—honouring where we’ve been, understanding where we are, and trusting in the path forward.

Together, the Cross of the Vessel of Love and the Cross of the Sphinx create a balanced representation of both love and direction. The G Centre’s role in embodying these Incarnation Crosses highlights the interconnectedness of love and purpose, illustrating that our ability to love ourselves and others influences the direction of our lives. These two themes are essential for understanding how the G Centre operates as a compass for both our inner experience and outer journey.

G Centre Themes and Functions: Love, Identity, and Direction

The G Centre in Human Design governs three essential aspects of our experience: love, identity, and direction. Each of these themes plays a fundamental role in shaping how we view ourselves, how we connect with others, and how we navigate our life path. Understanding the G Centre’s functions in these areas offers valuable insights into our spiritual, emotional, and practical journeys.

  • Love: The G Centre is one of the most mystical and profound centres in the Human Design system due to its connection to the Magnetic Monopole. Unlike other magnetic forces, which operate on a binary system of attraction and repulsion, the Magnetic Monopole is unique because it only attracts. This singular pull creates an energetic field that draws love, beauty, and meaningful connections into our lives. The G Centre magnetises not only romantic love but also self-love, familial love, and universal love, helping us experience love in all its forms. Love, in the context of the G Centre, begins with self-love. Before we can fully embrace love from others, the G Centre encourages us to develop a deep appreciation and acceptance of ourselves. As we grow in self-love, we naturally attract relationships and experiences that reflect that love to us. The sensation of separation—whether from others, from the universe, or even from ourselves—can often drive us to seek love externally. Yet, true love is never external; it resides within us and is drawn toward us by the force of the G Centre. By aligning with this inner force, we can open ourselves to receive the love that is meant for us without the need to chase or search for it. As Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, wisely said: “We are not here to be loved, but to be love.” This statement encapsulates the deeper purpose of the G Centre. It reminds us that our purpose is not to seek love from others but to embody love itself. When we radiate love from within, we attract loving experiences, relationships, and environments, reinforcing that love is an inherent part of who we are.

  • Identity: The G Centre also plays a crucial role in shaping and defining our identity. This centre is responsible for anchoring our sense of self, and it does so through the Magnetic Monopole, which holds together the Personality and Design Crystals within our bodygraph. These two crystals represent the different aspects of our being: the Personality Crystal reflects how we consciously experience ourselves, while the Design Crystal represents our unconscious, physical self. Together, they form a cohesive, individualised blueprint that defines who we are. Even if we don’t consciously feel a strong or consistent identity, the G Centre ensures that our unique identity is always present, whether we recognise it or not. The G Centre provides a sense of continuity and consistency, allowing those with a defined G Centre to experience a stable sense of self. On the other hand, those with an undefined G Centre may find that their identity feels more fluid, changing based on their environment and the people around them. This is not a flaw but a natural adaptability that allows for diverse experiences of self. Our identity is the foundation for how we navigate life and relationships. When we align with the G Centre, we are reminded that our identity is not something we need to create or force—it is inherently present within us, formed by the unique combination of our Personality and Design Crystals. The G Centre permits us to relax into who we are without the need to constantly question or redefine ourselves.

  • Direction: Perhaps one of the most profound aspects of the G Centre is its role in providing direction. The G Centre acts like an internal GPS, guiding us along our life’s path and ensuring that we encounter the people, places, and experiences that are aligned with our purpose. Just as the Magnetic Monopole attracts love, it also pulls us toward our true direction in life. This direction is not something we need to actively seek; rather, it is something that unfolds naturally when we live in alignment with our Strategy and Authority. The Magnetic Monopole’s pull is gentle but constant. It draws us forward on our unique life trajectory, ensuring that we are always moving in the right direction—even if we don’t always understand where we’re headed at the moment. When we trust in the G Centre’s pull, we can relax into the flow of life, knowing that we are being guided toward the experiences, relationships, and environments that are meant for us. The G Centre’s role in direction is not about forcing outcomes or controlling where we go; it’s about surrendering to the flow of life and trusting that the right opportunities will come when we are ready. This concept aligns with Ra Uru Hu’s teaching that life is always moving according to a unique geometry: “Everything that exists is moving in a unique geometry, and this movement shapes our lives.” This “geometry” refers to the natural flow of life, where everything is in motion and is drawn to the right place at the right time. By trusting the G Centre’s magnetic pull, we can allow life to unfold without resistance, knowing that our direction is always being guided.


Strategies for Harnessing the G Centre

Understanding the power of the G Centre is one thing, but learning how to actively harness its energy can bring profound changes to how we experience love, identity, and direction in our lives. Whether your G Centre is defined (fixed and consistent) or undefined (fluid and adaptable), there are key strategies that can help you align with its potential and live a more fulfilled, purposeful life.

  • Embrace Self-Love and Acceptance: Since the G Centre is the seat of love, particularly self-love, one of the most important strategies for harnessing its power is learning to fully accept and love yourself. This involves recognising that love starts from within and that external love will naturally flow into your life when you embody self-compassion and self-worth. A practical way to work on this is through regular self-reflection or journaling to explore your relationship with yourself. Questions to ask yourself:

Do I accept myself as I am right now?

What do I appreciate about who I am?

How can I nurture and take care of myself today?

By cultivating a sense of self-love, you align with the G Centre’s natural pull toward attracting the right people and relationships into your life.

  • Trust Your Life’s Direction: The G Centre’s Magnetic Monopole is always guiding you, even when you aren’t aware of it. One of the most powerful strategies to harness this centre is to trust the direction your life is unfolding. Rather than feeling pressured to constantly make plans, chase opportunities, or force outcomes, let go of the need for control and allow life to flow. For individuals with a defined G Centre, this means trusting that you are always being guided by your internal compass, even when the path ahead isn’t clear. For those with an undefined G Centre, this strategy involves remaining open to the environments and people that enter your life, allowing them to help guide your direction. Practical tip: Practice mindfulness and present-moment awareness. When you find yourself worrying about the future or trying to control outcomes, take a moment to pause, breathe, and remind yourself that your Magnetic Monopole is always pulling you in the right direction. Trust the process.

  • Align with Your Strategy and Authority: One of the key tenets of Human Design is living by your Strategy and Authority. Your Strategy and Authority are unique to your specific design and help you make decisions that are aligned with your true nature. Since the G Centre governs love and direction, making decisions based on your Strategy and Authority allows the G Centre to pull the right experiences and opportunities into your life. For example: Projectors may need to wait for invitations before acting on their direction, allowing life to pull them toward the right people and environments. While Generators may need to respond to opportunities rather than initiate, trusting that what is meant for them will come into their awareness when the time is right. By following your Strategy and Authority, you stay in harmony with the G Centre’s natural flow, ensuring that you are always on the right path.

  • Surround Yourself with the Right Environments: The G Centre is highly sensitive to its environment. Whether defined or undefined, it is crucial to surround yourself with environments that support your growth, well-being, and authentic expression. For individuals with a defined G Centre, this might mean seeking out environments that reinforce and reflect your stable sense of identity. For those with an undefined G Centre, this involves being in spaces that feel good to you and that allow your adaptable sense of self to thrive. If you find yourself in environments that feel wrong or stifling, it’s important to make changes. The G Centre thrives when you are in the right place, both physically and emotionally. When you are in environments that align with your energy, the G Centre can more easily attract love and direct you toward the correct path. Practical tip: Evaluate the environments you spend time in—your home, work, and social spaces. Do they uplift you, or do they drain your energy? If you feel off in a particular space, it may be a sign that your G Centre is not aligned with that environment, and a change could help you better harness your natural direction.

  • Cultivate Relationships that Reflect Love and Authenticity: Because the G Centre governs love, the relationships you cultivate are key to harnessing its power. Surround yourself with people who reflect genuine love, acceptance, and authenticity. Whether it’s friends, family, or romantic partners, the people in your life should support your true identity and your natural direction in life. If you have an undefined G Centre, be especially mindful of who you allow into your life, as your adaptable nature may be influenced by those around you. Ensure that the people in your life encourage you to be your authentic self, rather than trying to mould you into something you are not. The more aligned your relationships are with your authentic self, the more you can harness the G Centre’s potential for love and growth. Practical tip: Take an inventory of your relationships. Ask yourself:

Do my relationships support who I truly am?

Are the people in my life loving and accepting of me?

Do I feel uplifted and supported by the people around me?

  • Practice Surrender and Let Go of Control: The G Centre’s energy is one of attraction, not active pursuit. A powerful strategy to harness this energy is to practice surrender. This means letting go of the need to constantly control outcomes or force situations to happen. The Magnetic Monopole will naturally pull you toward the experiences, people, and environments that are meant for you. Surrendering to the flow of life doesn’t mean being passive—it means trusting that by living in alignment with your design, everything that is meant for you will come in its own time. Whether it’s love, direction, or purpose, the G Centre will draw it to you when the time is right. Practical tip: Incorporate daily moments of surrender, such as through meditation, journaling, or simply taking a break from planning and allowing things to unfold naturally.

By embracing these strategies, you can deepen your connection with the G Centre and allow its energy to guide you toward greater love, a stronger sense of self, and a clearer direction in life. Whether your G Centre is defined or undefined, these practices can help you tap into its full potential and live a life that is aligned with your authentic path.

Gates of the G Centre

The G Centre includes eight gates, each representing different aspects of love and direction:

Gates of Direction:

Gates of Love:

Each gate channels different expressions of love and direction, offering unique perspectives depending on how these gates are activated in your chart.

Defined G Centre: 57% of the Population

For the 57% of the population who have a defined G Centre, there is a consistent, reliable sense of identity and direction in life. Individuals with a defined G Centre possess a strong inner compass that provides them with a clear understanding of who they are, where they are headed, and how they experience love. This defined energy gives them a stable sense of self, which remains relatively unaffected by the influence of others or changing environments. Their identity is fixed and consistent, which means they can rely on their internal knowing to guide them through life’s twists and turns.

  • Sense of Identity and Direction: Those with a defined G Centre often experience a deep-rooted sense of purpose. They know who they are and feel confident in their life path. This inner clarity allows them to naturally attract the right people, places, and opportunities that align with their soul’s trajectory. The Magnetic Monopole in the G Centre continuously pulls experiences toward them that reinforce their sense of self and direction. For these individuals, there is no need to question or search for their identity—they simply know who they are at their core. The fixed nature of their identity means that they have a consistent way of expressing themselves in relationships, work, and other areas of life. They are often seen as people who are dependable and unwavering, as they stay true to their inner values and direction. However, this consistency can sometimes create challenges in relationships and interactions with others, especially with those who have an undefined G Centre. Defined G Centre individuals must remember that their sense of direction may not align with everyone around them.

  • Helping Others Find Their Path: Because of their fixed and reliable sense of self, individuals with a defined G Centre often feel drawn to guide others who may be struggling with their direction. They are naturally good at offering support and advice, helping those who are unsure of their path find clarity. However, they must be careful not to impose their sense of direction on others, especially those with undefined G Centres. Just because something works for them doesn’t mean it will work for everyone else. Defined G Centre individuals need to respect the fact that each person has their unique journey, and their role is to offer guidance only when invited or requested. One potential pitfall for those with a defined G Centre is the tendency to expect others to follow their path. Because they are so clear and confident in their direction, they might assume that their way is the “right” way for everyone. This can lead to frustration and disappointment if they try to lead others who are not aligned with their vision. To avoid this, defined G Centre individuals need to cultivate patience and understanding, recognising that their role is not to control or direct others but to lead by example and offer support when needed. In relationships, they must also be mindful not to become rigid in their sense of self. While their defined identity gives them stability, they should remain open to new experiences and perspectives that can enrich their journey without threatening their core sense of who they are.

Undefined Sacral Centre (34% of the Population)

In contrast to those with a defined G Centre, 43% of individuals with an undefined G Centre experience a more fluid and adaptable sense of identity and direction. Unlike their defined counterparts, they do not have a fixed inner compass guiding them through life. Instead, their identity and sense of direction are shaped by the people, environments, and experiences they encounter. This makes them incredibly flexible and open to change, but it can also lead to feelings of uncertainty or confusion about who they truly are.

  • Fluid Identity and Direction: People with an undefined G Centre do not have a consistent sense of self. They are deeply influenced by the energies of the people and environments around them, which allows them to adapt to different situations with ease. This can be both a blessing and a challenge. On one hand, their openness allows them to experience life from multiple perspectives, making them highly empathetic and adaptable. They can “try on” different identities and directions, exploring various ways of being without being tied down to a single one. On the other hand, this lack of fixed identity can lead to feelings of confusion or insecurity. People with an undefined G Centre may find themselves asking, “Who am I?” or “Where am I going?” They might feel lost or uncertain about their life direction, especially if they are surrounded by strong personalities or are in environments that don’t support their growth. The key for these individuals is to understand that their undefined G Centre is not a flaw—it is a gift that allows them to be open to new experiences and opportunities. They are designed to explore different aspects of life, learning from each environment and relationship.

  • Influence of Environment and Relationships: One of the most important aspects of the undefined G Centre is its sensitivity to the environment. For those with this design, the people and places they surround themselves with have a significant impact on their sense of self and direction. When they are in the right environment, they feel clear, aligned, and at peace. However, when they are in the wrong place or around the wrong people, they may feel disoriented, confused, or lost. Because they absorb the energy of their surroundings, individuals with an undefined G Centre must be mindful of where they spend their time. Being in environments that are supportive, nurturing, and aligned with their authentic self allows them to flourish and gain clarity about their path. Conversely, toxic or unsupportive environments can amplify their confusion and cause them to lose their sense of direction.

  • Learning Through Adaptability: The true beauty of the undefined G Centre is its ability to sample different directions in life. These individuals are not meant to have a fixed sense of self—they are here to explore the world through a variety of experiences, relationships, and environments. Their adaptability allows them to see life from multiple perspectives, which can make them incredibly wise about the nature of identity and direction. To harness the power of their undefined G Centre, these individuals need to trust in their flexibility. Instead of trying to pin down a fixed identity or force a specific direction, they should embrace the fluidity of their design. By allowing themselves to be guided by their surroundings and the people they interact with, they can discover the paths that are most aligned with their true nature.

  • Challenges: One of the main challenges for individuals with an undefined G Centre is the temptation to seek identity and direction from external sources. Because they lack a fixed sense of self, they may try to define themselves through relationships, jobs, or achievements. This can lead to a constant search for validation or a tendency to mirror the identities of those around them. To avoid this, they need to recognise that their true direction will come from within, and it will unfold naturally as they live their life with openness and curiosity. In relationships, those with an undefined G Centre may struggle with codependency, as they may become overly reliant on others for a sense of self. They need to maintain healthy boundaries and ensure that their relationships are supportive of their growth and exploration, rather than reinforcing dependency.

Whether defined or undefined, the G Centre offers individuals valuable insights into how they navigate identity and direction. Defined G Centres provide a stable, consistent sense of self, while undefined G Centres offer flexibility and adaptability. By embracing the unique qualities of their design, individuals can live in alignment with their true nature, experiencing life with clarity and purpose.

Not-Self Theme of the Undefined G Centre

The not-self theme is an important concept in Human Design, referring to how individuals may operate out of alignment with their true nature due to conditioning and external influences. For those with an undefined or completely open G Centre, the not-self theme often manifests in a search for identity and love outside of themselves.

The undefined or open G Centre is naturally designed to be adaptable and open to different environments and people. However, when the mind takes control of this openness, it can lead to insecurity, anxiety, and a constant questioning of self. The mind may begin to ask questions like:

  • "Who am I?"

  • "Where do I find love?"

  • "What is my purpose?"

These questions arise because the individual may feel pressure to define themselves in a way that matches societal expectations or the identities of those around them. Instead of embracing their natural fluidity, the mind fixates on trying to pin down a solid sense of self. This can create a deep sense of restlessness, as the undefined G Centre tries to mimic the fixed identity and direction of others in an attempt to feel more secure.

The search for external validation can be particularly strong. Individuals with an undefined G Centre might seek love and identity in relationships, careers, achievements, or social roles. They may believe that once they find the "right" relationship, job, or life path, they will finally know who they are and feel complete. However, this often leads to disappointment, as their true nature is not designed to be fixed or defined by external factors. Completely Open G Centre

A completely open G Centre is an even more extreme version of the undefined G Centre, as it has no active gates whatsoever. This means that not only is the individual's sense of identity and direction fluid but there is no consistent energy flowing through any of the gates that could offer clarity. These individuals are profoundly open to the energies of the environments and people around them, making them highly susceptible to external influences. This can manifest as a tendency to absorb the identities, beliefs, and directions of others, sometimes without realising it, and can lead to an experience of feeling "lost" or lacking a solid sense of self.

Due to the extreme openness, individuals with a completely open G Centre often feel the pressure to define themselves, especially in a world that values a fixed identity and a clear sense of purpose. They may find themselves asking, "Who am I?" and "What am I supposed to do with my life?" more frequently than others. Without a strong internal compass, they can feel adrift, particularly in situations where they are surrounded by people with strong, defined G Centres who have a clear sense of direction and self.

This openness makes them highly vulnerable to conditioning. They may feel the urge to adopt the identities or life paths of those around them—whether it's family, friends, or society at large—without fully recognising whether those identities align with their true nature. This can lead to a life where they feel disconnected from their own needs and desires, as they continually shape themselves based on external expectations. Moreover, a completely open G Centre may find it difficult to trust their own intuition or internal guidance, especially in the early stages of their journey.

While the challenges of having a completely open G Centre are significant, there are also powerful gifts that come with this design. Over time, individuals with a completely open G Centre can learn to embrace their openness as a valuable resource. Their ability to remain completely open to different people, places, and experiences allows them to gain a deep understanding of how identity and direction function in others.

They become experts in reflection—able to see and understand the energies, identities, and life paths of those around them with clarity and insight. Their openness allows them to reflect the energies of others in a way that provides wisdom and guidance. Rather than defining themselves by one fixed identity or path, they become comfortable in their ability to experience and amplify the energies of others. This often makes them highly empathetic, understanding, and adaptable, capable of navigating life with a deep awareness of how fluid identity can be.

Over time, individuals with a completely open G Centre may realise that their strength lies not in defining themselves, but in their ability to mirror the world around them. They develop a sense of wisdom about identity and direction that others may not possess, simply because they have been able to explore so many different ways of being. By learning to trust their openness, they can become guides and teachers for others, helping people understand their sense of identity and direction.

The journey for those with a completely open G Centre is one of self-acceptance. As they grow in understanding of their design, they can find comfort in the realisation that they do not need to force a fixed identity or path. Instead, they can allow life to unfold naturally, trusting that their openness is a gift that enables them to be receptive to a wide range of experiences, people, and environments.

Overcoming the Not-Self Theme

The key to overcoming the not-self theme of the undefined or open G Centre lies in learning to trust in the natural flow of life. Rather than searching for identity and love outside of themselves, individuals with this design must learn to let go of the need for certainty and control. Their journey is one of surrender and acceptance—accepting that they do not need to have a fixed identity and that their sense of direction will come naturally when they are aligned with their Strategy and Authority.

By following their Strategy and Authority, individuals with an undefined G Centre can begin to relax into their natural state of openness. They will come to understand that they are not meant to force a specific identity or life path. Instead, they are here to sample different experiences, environments, and relationships, learning from each one without becoming attached to a single outcome.

For example, an individual with an undefined G Centre might find themselves in various social or professional roles throughout their life. Instead of feeling pressured to commit to one identity or career path, they can embrace the flexibility of their design and allow themselves to explore a range of possibilities. Through this exploration, they will gradually gain clarity about the types of environments and relationships that feel most aligned with their true nature.

As they learn to trust in their openness, individuals with an undefined G Centre can also become wise guides for others. They can help people see that identity and direction are not always fixed, and that it’s okay to be fluid and adaptable. Their journey toward self-acceptance can serve as an inspiration to others, showing that there is beauty and strength in embracing one’s true design.

The not-self theme of the undefined or open G Centre can be challenging, but it also offers an incredible opportunity for growth and wisdom. By letting go of the need for external validation and trusting in the natural flow of life, individuals with this design can find peace in their fluidity and become a source of insight and support for others navigating their paths.

Journal Prompts for the G Centre

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, especially when working with the themes of the G Centre—love, identity, and direction. Journal prompts encourage deeper introspection, helping individuals connect more consciously with their inner world. By writing out thoughts, feelings, and experiences, people can uncover patterns, gain clarity on their life path, and explore how they experience love and identity. The act of journaling allows us to slow down and articulate complex emotions, helping to shift unconscious conditioning and align with our true selves.

For individuals with a defined G Centre, journaling can reaffirm their sense of identity and direction, offering moments of clarity and self-assurance. For those with an undefined or open G Centre, journaling can provide a valuable outlet to explore how different environments and relationships influence their sense of self, helping them track what feels most aligned.

Here are some journal prompts specifically for working with the G Centre:

  • How do I currently experience love for myself? How can I deepen that love? This prompt helps you reflect on your relationship with self-love, which is foundational to how you attract love from others.

  • What direction is my life taking right now, and how does that feel for me? Reflecting on the current path you are on can help you evaluate if it feels aligned or if there’s something you’d like to change.

  • In what ways do I express my identity? Do I feel consistent, or do I adapt based on my environment? This prompt can help both defined and undefined G Centres explore how their sense of identity either remains stable or shifts depending on external influences.

  • When I am in different places, how does my sense of self or direction change? Exploring how different environments impact your identity can reveal patterns about where you feel most yourself or most aligned with your purpose.

  • What patterns do I notice in the relationships I attract into my life? Understanding the dynamics in your relationships can provide insight into how you are experiencing and expressing love, as well as how others influence your direction.

Affirmations for the G Centre

Affirmations are short, positive statements that help reprogram your subconscious mind and reinforce beliefs that align with your true self. For the G Centre, affirmations can serve as daily reminders to trust in your sense of identity, the direction of your life, and your ability to attract love. Whether you have a defined or undefined G Centre, affirmations can help cultivate self-assurance and trust in the natural unfolding of your journey.

Here are three additional affirmations, along with the original five, to support alignment with the G Centre:

  • "I trust that my direction in life is unfolding perfectly."

  • "I love myself fully, and that love attracts more love into my life."

  • "I am guided by my internal compass, and it always leads me to the right people and places."

  • "I embrace my unique identity and allow it to evolve naturally."

  • "I am open to the love and beauty the universe is drawing toward me."

  • "I release the need to define myself through others and trust in my path."
    "I am safe to explore different aspects of myself, knowing that my true direction will reveal itself."

  • "I am worthy of love, and my unique identity is a reflection of that love."

Using these affirmations regularly can help reinforce trust in your identity, love, and the direction that is unfolding through your G Centre.

Conclusion: G Centre Human Design

The G Centre is the heart of love, identity, and direction in Human Design, and understanding its role can provide profound clarity on how we navigate our lives. Whether your G Centre is defined, offering you a stable sense of identity and direction, or undefined, allowing for fluidity and adaptability, each version of the G Centre brings unique gifts and challenges. The power of this centre lies in its connection to the Magnetic Monopole, which constantly pulls you toward the experiences, people, and opportunities meant for your life's journey.

For those with a defined G Centre, the key is to trust your consistent sense of self and life path, while also remaining open to the fact that others may not share your same direction. For individuals with an undefined or completely open G Centre, the challenge is to embrace the fluidity of your identity and direction, allowing yourself to be guided by your surroundings and relationships without feeling lost or pressured to define yourself rigidly.

Regardless of whether your G Centre is defined or undefined, trusting in the Magnetic Monopole’s natural pull allows you to live in alignment with your true self. When you align with your Strategy and Authority, you can move through life with confidence, knowing that the right people, places, and experiences will be drawn to you at the right time. By embracing the unique energies of your G Centre, you unlock the potential to live a life that is not only fulfilling but also authentically aligned with your purpose.

Resource Recommendation:

1. "Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are" by Karen Curry: This book provides a comprehensive overview of Human Design, explaining its principles, components, and how to interpret your own chart. It's a great starting point for beginners.

2. "The Book of Destinies: Discover the Life You Were Born to Live" by Chetan Parkyn: In this book, Parkyn explores the concept of Human Design and how it can be used to uncover your true purpose and destiny. He offers insights into each of the Human Design types and how they can navigate their lives more authentically.

3. "Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be" by Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood: Another excellent book by Chetan Parkyn, this one co-authored with Carola Eastwood, delves deeper into the different aspects of Human Design, including profiles, centres, gates, and channels. It provides practical guidance on how to apply Human Design principles to everyday life.

4. "The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation" by Lynda Bunnell, Ra Uru Hu, and others: Written by experts in the field, this book offers a thorough exploration of Human Design, including its history, mechanics, and applications. It provides valuable insights for both beginners and advanced practitioners.

5. "The Book of Lines: A 21st Century View of the IChing, the Chinese Book of Changes" by Chetan Parkyn and Alex Roberts: This book focuses specifically on the Line System within Human Design, which provides additional insights into the nuances of each type and profile. It offers a deeper understanding of how the different lines influence personality traits and life experiences.

6. "The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA" by Richard Rudd: While not specifically focused on Human Design, "The Gene Keys" offers a complementary perspective on self-discovery and personal transformation. Richard Rudd combines elements of genetics, astrology, and I Ching to explore the potential encoded within our DNA. This book provides profound insights into how we can unlock our higher purpose and tap into our innate gifts and talents. It offers practical tools for integrating these insights into our lives, aligning with our true path and embodying our fullest potential.

7."Human Design: The Revolutionary System That Shows You Who You Came Here to Be" by Jenna Zoe. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Human Design, offering insights into how this system can reveal your true nature and life purpose. Through practical guidance and personal anecdotes, Zoe helps readers understand their Human Design type and how to apply its principles to live more authentically and aligned with their unique design.

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Ann Smyth

Ann Smyth, a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, specialises in guiding individuals through transformative journeys. Using a unique blend of Human Design, brain and nervous system retraining, she approaches her coaching practice with a trauma-informed perspective. Ann's mission is to reignite her clients' passion for life, fostering a deep love for their own existence.

Her expertise is particularly valuable for executives and professionals who have achieved professional success, yet find themselves dealing with significant stress, burnout, or regret about how they are living their lives and spending their most valuable asset—their time. Through her "Design A Life You Love Philosophy," Ann empowers these individuals to reclaim control over their life, work, and leisure, ultimately leading them to a more sustainable and intentional way of living.

Clients who embrace the "Design a Life You Love" philosophy experience a newfound sense of peace in their lives, enjoying contentment and ease across all facets of their lives. Ann Smyth's coaching is the key to unlocking the full potential of your life and leadership journey.


Human Design Gate 9 – The Gate of Energy for Detail


Sacral Centre Human Design