How fear shows up in your open centres in your Human Design chart

How Fear Shows Up In Your Open Centres In Your Human Design Chart

How fear shows up in your open centres in your human design

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While each Human Design type has different characteristics when a centre is open  or undefined the energy available to that centre is inconsistent.  When we are around others who are defined in the centre we are undefined in their more powerful expression of the energy in the centre can influence how we operate from our centre.

In this post we will explore each centre and give examples of how fear can show up via our thoughts.


When fear shows up in the head centre you will experience thoughts like:

  • I have so many ideas I don’t know where to start.

  • I am constantly receiving inspiration but never have time to act on them.

  • I am excited by all the thoughts I am having. I want to do it all.

Not all ideas and inspirations are ours to act upon and when fear shows up in this centre we can feel like we are continuously receiving new ideas but never taking action so we don’t feel good about ourselves.


When fear shows up in this centre when we are unsure of our owns thoughts, opinions, beliefs and points of views.  Our point of view can be easily influenced by those we are around.  In some cases if your parent or guardian has this centre defined many of the thoughts and beliefs we grow up can in fact belong to them.  It is useful to be aware of this conditioning as it may be influencing your current experiences.

Fear thoughts than can occur here are:

  • Things have to be a certain way and I can’t expect them to change

  • I am feeling confused. I change my opinions depending on who I listen to.


People with an undefined throat centre don’t know how to trust their own voice.  They question the words that come out of their mouths.  To feel more secure they need to seek assurances from others that what they are saying is right.  A sounding board as such.

Fear thoughts show up in this centre when it is undefined can include:

  • O no what are they thinking about me after I said that

  • I am not sure I should have said that

  • I just don’t know if I am articulating myself well


When this centre is undefined people will have a sense of wandering throughout their life.  In search of something but not knowing what exactly.  These people need to try many different experiences to know if something feels right to them or not.

Fear thoughts that come up for these people include:

  • I feel like I will never find the perfect place to live, or the perfect partner or the perfect venue.

  • How do others know so clearly what they want, I can’t see myself doing anything.


When the ego centre is undefined peoples willpower and motivation for projects or tasks can disappear.  This can cause a lot of stress when we are living in a state of comparison and we see others working hard and we are feeling no motivation.

Thoughts that can occur here include:

  • I am a failure. I have no motivation to see this through.

  • Everyone else is so productive and I can’t even start.


When fear shows up on the solar plexus it does so through our emotions as this is the main function of this centre.  People who are undefined in this centre are cool, calm & collected.  If there was an incident you need an undefined person to think logically, they will get you to safety as quickly as possible and with no emotional charges.  With an undefined solar plexus you can expect other people’s emotions to infiltrate your system.  You will be feeling fine and then all of a sudden feel an emotional charge run through you and you can’t explain it.

These thoughts can show up as:

  • I don’t know what is wrong with me I am in such a funk

  • I can’t seem to shake this feeling, there is no reason for it


When you have an undefined sacral you can feel pressure to keep working, to keep working your main energy even though you do not have the energy to keep going.

Fear thoughts show up in this centre when it is undefined as follows:

  • I really should work more, everyone else is

  • I am so exhausted but I feel I need to keep going.


This centre houses all our fears and intuitions and like your ajna centre where other people's thoughts and opinions can heavily influence how you go about your day to day in this centre you can think other people’s fears are your own.

This can show up in thoughts like:

  • I can’t do that, what will others think of me?

  • People like me never do things like that.


This centre is a pressure centre and dictates the timelines to get things done.  When this is undefined we can put ourselves under a lot of pressure, we inflict unrealistic timelines on ourselves because we have allowed someone else’s opinion on the timeline to influence us.

The fear thoughts associated with this open centre include:

  • I really should have achieved this by now.

  • I am behind everyone else, I should be moving things along at a quicker pace.

In all of these instances these thoughts are not bad for us once we are aware of them when we have them.  When we have these kind of thoughts it is important to stop and notice that you are thinking and consequently acting out of fear.  Fear is a mechanism to keep us safe, which is fine.  However when we allow our energy in these centres to come from a place of love rather than fear our aura expands exponentially and magnetizes more of what we want to us.

If you would like to learn mroe about working me to live your life in alignement with your human design and live life on your terms click here.

Ann Smyth

Ann Smyth, a Certified Life and Leadership Coach, specialises in guiding individuals through transformative journeys. Using a unique blend of Human Design, brain and nervous system retraining, she approaches her coaching practice with a trauma-informed perspective. Ann's mission is to reignite her clients' passion for life, fostering a deep love for their own existence.

Her expertise is particularly valuable for executives and professionals who have achieved professional success, yet find themselves dealing with significant stress, burnout, or regret about how they are living their lives and spending their most valuable asset—their time. Through her "Design A Life You Love Philosophy," Ann empowers these individuals to reclaim control over their life, work, and leisure, ultimately leading them to a more sustainable and intentional way of living.

Clients who embrace the "Design a Life You Love" philosophy experience a newfound sense of peace in their lives, enjoying contentment and ease across all facets of their lives. Ann Smyth's coaching is the key to unlocking the full potential of your life and leadership journey.


Learn more about the Human Design profile numbers


How do you know you are not living in alignment with your Human Design type?